Unhealthy Hair & Scalp? Try a Scalp Makeover!

By Dr Alan J Bauman MD ABHRS
Itchy, flaky dandruff?
Oily, limp hair?
Hair thinning, shedding or breakage?
Frizzy, dull or flyaway hair?
Burning or irritated scalp from color or perms?
Unhealthy Hair & Scalp?These symptoms and other scalp conditions you can see and feel might be signs that your scalp and hair are not as healthy as they should be. If a beautiful full and thick head of healthy hair is important to you, it’s imperative to know that healthy hair starts with a healthy scalp.
A healthy, balanced, hydrated scalp is the “fertile ground” where about 100,000 scalp follicles reside, working hard every single day to produce those strands of beautiful keratin protein we call “hair.”
A hair follicle, like the root of a plant, derives nutrition, sustenance as well as positive or negative biochemical messages from its surroundings–the scalp.
Within the scalp, each follicle has its own individual network of blood vessels, nerve endings and oil-producing sebaceous glands, all (hopefully!) working in concert when healthy, balanced and functioning properly. Scalp inflammation, other imbalances, and even scalp acne, can significantly affect hair follicle function causing diminished or altered hair growth, as well as other concerning physical or cosmetic symptoms. If your hair is not looking as healthy as it should or you think your itchy, flaky scalp might be trying to tell you something, it might be time to consider a scientific Scalp Makeover.
Why a Scalp Makeover?
Common conditions like oily, dry, flaky or irritated scalp are oftentimes not so easily treated with at-home remedies or with over-the-counter products or special shampoos as television commercials or “Dr. Google” would have you believe. They may also be a sign of an underlying health problem. The good news is that a scientific trichology evaluation can begin to help decipher why you are experiencing annoying scalp symptoms and also get to the root cause of your unhealthy hair.
The Science of Scalp
It’s less than an inch from your brain, but not easy to see. Determining exactly happening to your hair and scalp may not always be simple. But, no worries… That’s where scalp science can help!
A scientific scalp evaluation requires special tools and special training. Your scalp’s pH, moisture and sebum levels, HairCheck trichometry measurements of hair density, quality and breakage, as well as blue-light and dual-polarized microphotography or dermoscopy of several areas and more, begin to tell the story of your scalp’s overall condition. Once this information is obtained along with your medical history, a therapeutic treatment regimen is designed and your “Scalp Makeover” can begin. Soon you will be on the path of restoring the health of your scalp and the beauty of your hair.
tri-chol-o-gy [trih-kol-uh-jee] noun
1. the science dealing with the study of the hair and scalp.
What exactly is Trichology?
Trichology, derived from the Greek word “tricho” meaning “hair,” is the study of the anatomy, physiology and diseases of the hair and scalp. A trichologist is a trained specialist in all matters relating to hair and scalp health. A trichology evaluation can address many conditions like itching, flaking, oily or dry scalp as well as hair breakage shedding hair, thinning hair, hair fall and hair loss. Trichologists often work closely with Hair Restoration Physicians, medical doctors who specialize in diagnosing scalp conditions, prescribing medical hair regrowth treatments and performing hair transplant surgery. Specialized trichology education like the Certified HairCoach™ Program are specifically designed to help trichologists work closely with these medical hair loss specialists.
A trichologist is the person who will help perform the scientific evaluation of the scalp and provide the recommended Scalp Makeover treatments for you in the office as well as scientifically monitor the results.
How the Science of Trichology Can Boost the Health and Beauty of Your Hair
Glossy magazines and shampoo advertisements feature luscious locks that often seem out of reach for the average person, so how can we achieve a “crowning glory” fit for royalty? The goal of a beautiful, full, thick, strong and youthful head of hair is accomplished most easily when both the scalp and hair is at its healthiest. Achieving “maximum performance” from each and every living follicle on your scalp as well as all your hair fibers is the goal and that often takes a team approach…that’s where a trichologist can help!
At Bauman Medical, we have designed an exceptionally comprehensive Medical Trichology program to provide patients with Scalp Makeover solutions for a wide range of common hair and scalp health problems such as thinning, breakage, shedding, dry or itchy scalp, etc. It takes more than a cosmetologist or hairstylist to fix these problems, which is why a trichologist is so important.
What can Bauman Medical’s “Scalp Makeover” do for me?
An unhealthy scalp can make growing healthy hair a challenge. Trichology treatments in the form of a Scalp Makeover help manage excess sebum, dandruff, toxins and impurities —improving scalp wellness and allowing optimal hair growth from each and every viable follicle. Healthy scalp and healthy follicles produce hair that is thicker, fuller, stronger and shinier!
Who is a good candidate for a Scalp Makeover?
Men and women with “symptomatic scalp” (dry, itchy, flaky or oily scalp, excessive hair loss, shedding or hair breakage) should schedule an evaluation. Patients considering or are already using at-home hair regrowth treatments, topical medications, PRP Platelet Rich Plasma therapy or have had or are considering a hair transplant procedure should also consider a Scalp Makeover trichology evaluation to maximize their results.
What can I expect to learn upon completing my initial Scalp Makeover evaluation?
At the end of your evaluation, you will receive a detailed report of findings, measurements and microscopic scalp photos including personalized in-office and at-home trichology treatment recommendations for your Scalp Makeover to help you reach your scalp and hair health goals.
How Do I Get Started With a Scalp Makeover?
Scalp Makeover and Trichology evaluation appointments can be conveniently scheduled by calling
Bauman Medical at 561-394-0024 or online at www.BaumanMedical.com

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