What Would You Do if Your Brain Worked Better?

What Would You Do if Your Brain Worked Better?Change is a scary concept. No matter how bad or uncomfortable we feel or how difficult it becomes for us to function, the idea of change is sometimes an impossible one to imagine.

“We cannot become what we want by remaining what we are.” Max De Pree.

We identify so deeply with our symptoms and diagnosis, we incorporate them into our personality, they become our identity. I meet people often who describe themselves by their diagnosis. They might say “I’m anxious, I’m depressed, I’m obsessive”, etc. Somehow, when our brain is struggling with dysfunction or rather, dysregulation, we either disconnect from it and live in a state of denial or we attach to it and make it a personality trait. Why does this matter? Imagine, if I see myself as loving, I am going to resist any attempt to change that. I am not going to easily or willingly allow anyone to make me different any may even say “I’m not going to let this (or you) change me. The same will hold true for my dysregulations. If I describe myself as anxious or depressed, I am not going to let go of that identity, regardless of how dysfunctional or destructive it might be or how badly I want it to be different. The stress of change then becomes the fuel that ignites the symptoms. Reducing anxiety can cause anxiety.

I was inspired by a client who feared Neurofeedback would “change his brain and change his personality”, and his fear and resistance of changing his personality outweighed his feelings of uncomfortableness from anxiety so much, that even the thought of change caused his anxiety symptoms to soar. His inability to follow through with change, no matter how positive, is why I am writing this article to explain the process, goals, and expectation of Neurofeedback treatment.

I believe our first task is to define the symptoms (or diagnosis) that we are identifying as part of our personality. What are anxiety disorders, depression disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorders, attention-deficit disorders, oppositional defiant disorders, bipolar disorders, learning disorders, processing disorders, etc.? We call them “disorders” to indicate that “things are not how they should be”. And this is exactly what we see when looking at neuron firing patterns with Neurofeedback, disorder. Therefore, regardless of which “disorder” you have been diagnosed with, the issue in the brain is similar. Your brain is not in “order”.

Neurofeedback helps the brain restore “order”.
Neurofeedback, also known as EEG biofeedback, has been studied and practiced since the late 60’s. It is exercise for your brain by allowing you to see the frequencies produced by different parts of your brain in real-time and then through visual and auditory feedback, teaches the brain to better regulate itself. The concept of Neurofeedback is similar to yoga. This is why we call it “Brain Yoga”. Some of the physical goals of yoga are to become more balanced and flexible. Neurofeedback has a similar goal. Looking at neuron firing in conjunction with symptomatology we can identify areas of the brain that are not balanced or flexible and “train” the brain to become more balanced and flexible. It is this inability for neuron firing patterns to “move” or “perform” appropriately that causes symptoms of dysregulation, dysfunction, and “disorder”.

How does it work?
While the client sits comfortably watching a movie or pictures appear on the screen (a calm and focused state), the EEG equipment measures the frequency or speed at which electrical activity moves in the areas where electrodes have been placed. This information is sent to the therapist’s computer. The therapist is then able to determine what frequencies are out of balance or not flexible. For example, when the EEG shows that you are making too many “slow” or “sleepy” waves (delta/theta) or too many “fast” waves (high beta), the therapist adjusts a reward band to encourage more balanced activity. This encouragement or “reward” happens through the auditory reinforcement of “beeps” and at times, through visual recognition of the changes on the screen

It is important to understand that the neurofeedback approach does not “change” your brain or your personality. We teach and guide your brain to produce frequencies which help it relax and/or focus. We provide the brain with gentle “challenges” and encouragement in a user-friendly, stress-free format so it learns to regulate or shift to healthier states more smoothly on its own at the appropriate time. This allows your brain to “work better”.

This brings us back to our original question. What would you do if your brain worked better?

Improvements you may see with Neurofeedback Training
A goal of Neurofeedback training is to teach you how to tune into your own functioning. With children, we also teach the parents how to look at overall functioning rather than piecing together events or moments. We help you open your mind to possibilities with Neurofeedback rather than give too many examples that confuse the process or feel like a placebo. Changes you may experience or observe after a session are indicative of a learning process that will lead to improved functioning. Examples of those positive changes may be:

Improved Sleep patterns/quality of sleep
Energy levels are calmer or more activated
Increased Ability to focus or concentrate
Physical symptoms such as pain, headaches, migraines, tics, balance issues improve
Improved Mood or Emotional Control
Motivation and Organization Improves
Feelings of Well Being
Obsessive Behaviors or Thoughts Decrease
Improved Memory/Cognitions
Decreased Anxiety Patterns or Trauma Patterns
Better Coping
Increased Regulation
Improved Learning, Communicating, and/or Performance

When your brain functions better, the What Would You Do possibilities are endless.

How does a “beep” or sound train my brain to work better?
The auditory or sound reward that corresponds to more ordered, balanced and flexible brainwave activity, affects the brain on a neurological level. Auditory reward stimulates auditory pathways, impacts the Vagus Nerve and Vestibular System, and has many connections to the Reticular Activating System, which modulates wakefulness and attention. These systems operate in our brains without conscious effort. Therefore, neurofeedback teaches your brain through automated learning with little or no behavioral effort. Another way to say this is that neurofeedback involves operant conditioning or learning. This type of learning teaches us through a reinforced reward system. The auditory reward (beep) is delivered on a schedule of reinforcement that promotes optimal learning; not too hard and not too easy. This schedule of reinforcement or reward provides just the right amount of resistance to evoke a positive learning pattern.

What types of conditions/disorders does neurofeedback help?
Symptoms of these conditions, among others, can improve through neurofeedback training:

• Anxiety • Sleep disorders • Depression • ADD/ADHD
• Sensory processing disorder • Bipolar disorder
• Seizure disorders • Auditory/visual processing
• Chronic pain/Fibromyalgia • Migraines/headaches
• Traumatic brain injuries • Stroke Cognitive decline
• Peak performance • Oppositional defiant disorder
• Rages/mood swings • Attention/focus/concentration
• Reactive attachment disorder • Autism/Asperger’s
• Learning disabilities • Obsessive compulsive disorder

How many sessions are needed to begin seeing results?
As the brain learns, you will see the changes. However, everyone learns at different speeds, so it cannot be determined how quickly someone will learn. On average, children take about 10-20 sessions to see changes and we can discuss what to expect during the intake appointment. For adults changes are usually noticed within 10 sessions. Total treatment is an average of 40 sessions, however we individualize treatment – some people need more and some less.

How do I get started?
Getting started is easy, just give us a call. The Brain and Wellness Center staff will answer all your questions, and help you get scheduled. Call, email or message us today! Brain and Wellness Center, 7301 W. Palmetto Park Rd., Suite 102A, Boca Raton, FL 33433. (561) 206-2706, e-mail us at info@bocabraincenter.com, or text us at (561) 206-2706 or visit our website at www.BocaBrainCenter.com. We can’t wait to see WHAT YOU CAN DO!

The Brain and Wellness Center
7301 W. Palmetto Park Rd.
Suite 102A, Boca Raton, FL 33433
(561) 206-2706

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