Yearly Archives: 2013

Patient Finds Pain Relief and New Lease on Life with MCU Treatments

Does the fear of one wrong move keep you from enjoying activities you used to love? Do you find yourself sitting on the sidelines and letting life pass you by for fear of waking the chronic pain you try so hard to avoid? If you are like Robert Watkins was prior to multi-cervical unit treatments, you adapt your lifestyle and …

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A New Solution to Getting Rid of Cellulite

By Daniela Dadurian, M.D. – Until recently the industry has been very limited on the resources available to treat cellulite. Some technologies may have been able to minimize cellulite, but definitely not eradicate it. Cellulite is the pulling of fibrous bands underneath the skin that creates the orange peel look, most commonly seen on women on the thighs and buttocks. …

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They Never Taught Me This in Medical School!

By Bruce R. Dooley, M.D. – They never taught me that most people are more concerned with servicing their car before a long trip so they don’t break down in the middle of nowhere, than they are about servicing their body for the (hopefully) long trip called LIFE. In fact we really never were taught wellness and prevention, which, sadly, …

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NEOGRAFT: This is NOT Your Father’s Hair Transplant!

Hair Transplant

By Alan J. Bauman, M.D. – Unlike wigs, weaves, hairpieces, camouflage powders, lotions, potions and sprays, hair transplantation is the only permanent way to restore your own living and growing hair. Combatting hair loss and restoring ones hair can certainly give you a boost… Yet we’ve all seen the unsightly signs of hair transplants “gone wrong.” Pluggy, unnatural hairlines, perhaps …

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Do You Have Heel Pain?

By Dr. Karl Michel – Having trouble standing, walking or running?  A great number of the population at some point in their lifetime will suffer from heel pain which often impede them from their daily activities. If you haven’t had to deal with it personally, just ask around. Chances are you know lots of people who can describe it in …

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Hearing Loss: More Common Than You Think

Written by Susan Lopez Au.D., brought to you by Dana Luzon Au.D. – According to the Better Hearing Institute, hearing loss is now the third most common health problem in the country today, behind only arthritis and heart disease with more than 50 million Americans suffering from its effects.  With May being recognized as the 86th Annual National Better Hearing …

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"Are your silver fillings making you Sick?" Dr Oz investigates

By Natalia Tsar, DDS, LVIF – On his show airing March 23, 2013, Dr. Oz posed the question “Are your silver fillings making you sick?” Silver fillings A.K.A. amalgam fillings A.K.A mercury amalgam fillings have been used to fill and restore teeth for over 150 years. And the controversy surrounding their safety has been around just as long. Dental amalgam, …

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Anxiety, Fear, Panic Attacks, Nervousness?

 Innovative Technology  Can Help – Often Dramatically.  By Ed Pigott, Ph.D. and Michael Cohen, Director – Do you or someone you know experience chronic anxiety? Are you excessively nervous or fearful? Do you have panic attacks?  If so, you’ve probably already tried medications or been told to try them.  Unfortunately medications don’t always eliminate all of the symptoms. Even more …

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INTRODUCING THE LATEST IN STATE OF THE ART TECHNOLOGY TARGETED TO PROMOTE HEALTHY WEIGHT LOSS AND ALLEVIATE THE APPEARANCE OF CELLULITE By Dana Chauncey Lesser, CLT WHAT IS ELECTROSOUND LYMPHATIC DRAINAGE THERAPY? Electro-Sound Lymphatic Drainage Therapy is a pain-free, relaxing, one-hour accelerated method of cleansing and detoxifying the lymphatic system. This therapy uses a gentle, high frequency sound pulse to …

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What is Bipolar Disorder?

By Dr. Kristie DeBlasio, Advanced Mental Health Care – Although bipolar disorder would appear to be an illness that is easily recognized and diagnosed, it is often overlooked in patients. Bipolar disorder is characterized by shifts in mood that alternate between depression and mania or hypomania. These mood shifts are more intense than what people typically experience and cause significant …

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