Bedroom problems & answers

bedroom problemsThere may be nothing on the planet men want to talk about less than an erection problem, but if your partner is one of the estimated 30 million men affected by erectile dysfunction, encouraging him to open up about it may make him – and you – happier. Men who confided in their spouses and close friends about their sexual issues were less stressed than those didn’t, according to research from Oregon State University.

The finding just goes to show that impotence, of maintaining a healthy relationship while finding the treatment that will work for you and your partner. The options to treat ED are vast, as specialists in treating ED we offer many options, this is not a one stop fits all practice. Not every case of ED has the same root cause, each person is individual & treatment is just as tailored to be effective.

Why Communication Is Crucial
When You Have ED
Men who experience erectile dysfunction may feel inadequate, and it’s often a blow to their self-confidence. ED is also tough on partners, and can make them feel unattractive, undesirable, or like they’re doing something wrong. It’s very important for couples to discuss their feelings, and work together to find a solution.

“There are many very effective options to treat ED, if the treatments you or your partner have tried have been ineffective don’t give up. Maintain lines of communication with your partner and let us help you get back in the bedroom with confidence.” Encourages Dr. Fletcher at Simply Men’s Health in Boca Raton.

Ways Couples Can Stay Intimate
Both partners should be open-minded about finding ways to be intimate while trying to resolve issues surrounding ED. This maintains intimacy and creates a team approach to treating ED. Couples may find new ways they relate sexually & build trust and emotional intimacy.

Be playful with each other. Try to have a light and playful attitude while still being supportive of each other. “Be in the moment and focus on pleasing the other person. Don’t worry about what will happen,” Dr. Fletcher advises. “Enjoy one another’s company & let us work to find the solution that best works for you & your partner.” “There really are so many options for treatment, not every treatment works for every person, but we have an arsenal of effective treatments and will help find the solution for your specific ED challenge”


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