North Palm Beach Edition

Medical Marijuana – The Truth About How It Affects Florida

It’s everywhere. Conversations are popping up, it’s in the news, you’re reading about it online, in the paper and your friends seem to have drawn their own conclusions about medical marijuana (MM), but what is the truth? How does it work? Is it just a fad? What do you really NEED to know? The truth is, marijuana began as a …

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Do I have Uveitis?

By Lauren R. Rosecan, M.D., Ph.D., F.A.C.S. Uveitis is inflammation of the uvea, which is made up of the iris, ciliary body and choroid. Together, these form the middle layer of the eye between the retina and the sclera (white of the eye). The eye is shaped like a tennis ball, with three different layers of tissue surrounding the central …

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Laser Therapy for Hair Loss: What You Need to Know

By Dr. Alan J. Bauman, MD, ABHRS Board-Certified Hair Restoration Physician Laser therapy has been shedding light on hair loss since the 1990’s, but today, it’s a key weapon in the hair restoration physician’s arsenal. Providing energy to hair follicles, getting them to grow a thicker, healthier hair has gotten easier and more efficient with the advent of more powerful, …

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Do you have asthma? It’s a disorder that’s very common, with an estimated 25 million people in the United States alone suffering from this breathing problem. That’s 1 in 12 people, according to the Center For Disease Control. There are a few different categories of how asthma occurs, but many people have what is called ‘allergy induced asthma.” This means …

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Sun Safety: Protect Yourself & Your Family Against Harmful Rays

Most of us know that melanoma is the most dangerous form of skin cancer. The reason we hear so much advice on wearing sunscreen, sunglasses, and avoiding over sun exposure between 10:00 am to 4:00 pm, is due to the sun’s harmful UV rays during the time when the sun is the highest in the sky. What is UV Radiation? …

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Europe’s Coveted Fat Reducing Procedure: Wanted by Countless Patients

Many individuals struggle with losing and sticking to a weight loss plan. With the sheer number of people discouraged with the scale and the stubborn areas of fat that don’t seem to budge, the disappointment from carrying around excess pounds can be overwhelming. Doctors notice the frustration is not only geared towards female patients, but men as well, and all …

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Don’t Give Up!

Brent Myers OK. So here we are… five months into a new year. How are things working out for you? Did you set goals for making this year the best year ever? Did you have dreams and ambitions to make this year different? Did you plan on making things better? Well… how are you doing? Too often we wait until …

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The $400 Million Dollar Lesson

“5X Heavyweight Champion Evander Holyfield’s home is up for auction this Friday at 2:00pm.” How is that even possible I pondered? My heart was breaking as I stared at Huffington Posts online article that Wednesday afternoon. What could I do? How could I help my sports hero Evander Holyfield? At the time, I was the founder and CEO of Crown …

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How Can Dental Implants Help My Denture?

Many patients suffer with loose and non-retentive dentures. This movement can cause a number of issues ranging from difficulty chewing food to embarrassing speech (or even the accidental falling of the denture out of one’s mouth). Quick fixes often include using dental adhesive glue or having the dentist reline the denture to help try and improve stability. In many cases, …

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Are There Any New Technologies For Fat Reduction?

It is interesting to watch technology as it continues to evolve. Many of my patients are up to date with what is trending in aesthetic technology. There is a new exciting technology that melts and tightens skin simultaneous without downtime. CoolSculpting® has been a good fat reduction treatment for many of my patients. It is a way to non-invasively destroy …

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