North Palm Beach Edition

Pain Relief Treatment From the Leaders in the Industry

Treating the underlying cause of acute pain and chronic discomfort is essential. Having a comprehensive evaluation to define your level of nerve damage, inflammation, and degenerative disease are critical steps to improving your outcome. An experienced physician will walk you through the best treatment options available depending on your specific circumstances after they determine and streamline your underlying diagnosis. When …

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Warm Weather’s Negative Effects on Body Image: What Do You See In the Mirror?

By Jeannie Gedeon, MPH, RDN/LDN, CAP/ICADC As snowbirds know, in the north people wait all year for summer, which should be a time to have fun and be active outdoors; yet swimsuit season can be especially tough for those who have body image issues. Flip to the Sunshine State, where the weather is almost always warm, hot and hotter: In …

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5 Ways Better Hearing Can Help Your Career

By: Dana Luzon, Au.D., FAAA, Board-Certified Doctor of Audiology More than 10 percent of full-time employees have a diagnosed hearing problem, and another 30 percent suspect they have a problem, but have not sought treatment, according to EPIC’s Listen Hear! survey. And of those with a suspected hearing loss, nearly all report that this hearing loss impacts them on the …

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Fact or Fiction: Six Minute Hair Growth….?

For some, the idea of laser beams conjure up images of epic SciFi battle scenes. For others, lasers in medicine mean skin resurfacing or perhaps even hair removal. Today we see “lasers for hair regrowth” advertised in magazines, on TV and in our Facebook newsfeeds. Are these treatments for hair loss for real or is it just a gimmick… another …

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Hormonal Imbalance Occurs in Men and Women Alike

What You Need to Know About Restoring Them Naturally At NovaGenix, they realize the value of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT). In addition to alleviating the symptoms of Low Testosterone and Menopause, bioidentical hormones safely aid in the anti-aging process, improves memory and mood, sex drive and performance, and creates an overall sense of well-being. Dr. Timothy Sigman has practiced …

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You can’t “cure” allergies, unfortunately. But you can treat them and lessen their symptoms. Hundreds of thousands of people in Florida suffer from allergies and the stuffy nose, scratchy throat, post nasal drip and itchy eyes that go with them. You can’t “cure” allergies, unfortunately. But you can treat them and lessen their symptoms. Hundreds of thousands of people in …

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Dysautonomia: Fatigue, feinting, and a heart racing out of control

Unless you suffer from multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, or traumatic brain injury, dysautonomia is probably a word that you’ve never heard of. The problem with that, is that the symptoms of dysautonomia are probably the most difficult to deal with in when it comes to chronic illness. It’s even a condition that can exist on its own. The …

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Combating Holiday Stress:

Become More Emotionally Intelligent During the time in between Thanksgiving and the New Year many people have a predisposition to feel overwhelmed and/or over committed, worried about finances with gift giving, the abundance of food/alcohol/sweets leading to over indulgence and weight gain, or maybe tension with specific family members. These triggers can often overlap as well. This can create a …

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Painless Gum Disease: Do I Need To Treat It?

By Lee R. Cohen, D.D.S., M.S., M.S. We see an incredible amount of patients with all levels of gum and jaw bone disease with one common finding… lack of pain.  This may seem like a blessing, but the lack of warning often does not prompt patients to seek treatment in the early stages.  Leaving periodontal disease, inflammation and destruction of …

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By Dr. Ricardo Leano Osteoarthritis (OA) affects about 27 million Americans and is the most common chronic condition of the synovial joints and a common cause of chronic pain in older people. OA can affect any joint, but it occurs most often in knees, hips, and lower back. Neck, small joints of the fingers and the bases of the thumb …

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