North Palm Beach Edition

Scientific Research finds Acupuncture is Effective for Weight Loss

Everyone is looking for the secret to weight loss, without falling victim to the latest gimmicks. With so many different opinions about how to lose weight, it can be difficult to tell what will really work. Fortunately there is a technique for weight loss that has been tested for centuries:  acupuncture. This technique is safe, sound and reliable. And, even …

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Do Your Child’s Learning Struggles Have You Worried?

Center for Brain Can Help! By Mike Cohen, Director Center for Brain Thirteen year old Aaron sat quietly at the kitchen table finishing his homework while his mother Alicia read her favorite magazine. “All done, Mom,” Aaron said, as he bounded out of his chair and headed to his bedroom with a big smile. Alicia was smiling, too, because just …

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3 Things to Know About Robotic Hair Transplants

By Alan J. Bauman, M.D. Would you trust your hairline to a robot? Nearly every facet of our lives is dominated by technology, so it shouldn’t be surprising that robotic surgeries are increasing by 25 percent annually. Today, robotic assisted surgeries are becoming common operating procedure for a growing number of indications, including hysterectomy, prostatectomy, and even cardiac valve replacement …

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Personalized Hearing

Written by Rachel Burnett, Au.D., Mission Audiology Submitted by Dana Luzon, Au.D., Audiology & Hearing Aids of the Palm Beaches Many times when patients come to an Audigy Certified provider for a consultation they have done some research on hearing aids prior to their appointment. Often, that research involves getting the opinions of friends or family that have hearing aids. …

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A New Alzheimer’s Clinical Study Opportunity Right Here In Palm Beach

By Dr. Laszlo Mate The MINDSET study is a phase 3 clinical research study evaluating a new investigational treatment for mild-to-moderate Alzheimer’s disease. This study drug, known as RVT-101, is being studied as an add-on therapy to donepezil (sometimes known as Aricept®), the most widely used medicine to treat Alzheimer’s disease today. In a previous 684-patient clinical study, the combination …

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Effective Treatment for Menopause and Weight Gain

Menopause is an inevitable part of a woman’s life, whether brought on by necessary surgery or the natural progression of time. The symptoms often interfere with daily living and change women in a way that inter-feres with positive self image and emotions. As women approach menopause they endure many symptoms, but one that proves the most difficult for many women …

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Summer Shape-Up: Cool and Healthy Can Be Fun and Flavorful

By Janet Robbins and Bella Giavanna It’s true what they say. Beauty begins on the inside. What you consume affects your body and your skin. So as we enter the summer months, consider these tips and creative ideas to make for a healthier you. Stay Hydrated Beyond Just Water Summer outdoor activities and events combined with the heat calls for …

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Underlying Reasons for Limb Swelling

By Alyssa Parker Many people may experience complications after an operation due to the significant amount of trauma your body endures. Whether it’s cancer related, non-cancer related, or a minor surgery, patients may develop post-operative symptoms such as swelling in a limb or a particular area of the body. Swelling in the limb which may appear to be temporary can …

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Cryoablation for Atrial Fibrillation. The Next Frontier

An estimated 2.7–6.1 million people in the United States have Atrial Fibrillation (often called AFib or AF). With the aging of the U.S. population, this number is expected to increase. Afib is the most common type of heart arrhythmia. During AFib, the normal beating in the upper chambers of the heart (the two atria) is irregular, and blood doesn’t flow …

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It's Hot Everywhere In July

Brent Myers Have you noticed that Summer has arrived? If you haven’t, just wait, you will. This is how I can usually tell that our wonderful south Florida Summer has come: when I bathe, get dressed, walk outside the house thirty feet to my car and when I get in – I feel like someone has rubbed a glazed doughnut …

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