North Palm Beach Edition

Diabetes and Hearing Loss – is there a link?

Submitted by Dr. Dana Luzon, Au.D CC-A, FAAA Written by Dr. Tami Ike, Au.D No question about it, diabetes is in the news — and not in a good way. Considered by many healthcare providers to be the biggest epidemic of the 21st century, diabetes is affecting more and more Americans at an alarming rate. According to the American Diabetes …

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No Guts, No Glory…

If our Gut is dysfunctional we can not enjoy the Glory of good health. The most common ailment today is the inability to digest our foods efficiently. People that are experiencing symptoms like heart burn, reflux, leaky gut, ulcers, bloating, burping and irritable bowels are suffering from an imbalance of beneficial and harmful bacterias due to lack of adequate cellular …

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IV Sedation for Dental Procedures – How Does it Works

Many patients have a significant fear of dental procedures. I myself suffer from dental phobia. This fact is interesting because my grandfathers were both dentists and I grew up going to their offices. The time spent there instilled in me that dental procedures, by in large, really do not hurt (yet I look like someone getting ready to take off …

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VITAMIN D – And Its Importance In Human Nutrition

Mitchell J. Ghen, D.O., Ph.D. Whoever thought the vitamin considered to be the one to stop rickets would then be reclassified in our lifetime as no longer a vitamin but instead a hormone? Vitamin D is a hormone that is involved in more than 300 reactions per second in the human body. For the most part vitamins need to be …

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Pain, Pain Go Away – Electrifying News

By Wayne S. Weidenbaum, M.D. Pain is truly important in all of our lives, so that when something is wrong we are alerted to do something about it. However, when pain lasts far longer than the healing process, and the damage is no longer progressing, it can become its own debilitating problem. Chronic pain affects a tremendous number of people …

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The Power of PRP for Super-Fast Healing

By Dr. Angel Cuesta Platelet Rich Plasma was initially developed in the 1970’s and was first used in the late 80’s and early 90’s primarily by oral surgeons and plastic surgeons. Recently, PRP has gained national press attention as more and more professional athletes and celebrities are using the state of the art treatment for different purposes. Tiger Woods, Hines …

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Salt Therapy

Antibiotics, steroids, oxygen tanks and rescue inhalers… those who suffer from COPD, allergies, asthma and sinusitis know the benefits but also the troubling side effects of the medications offered by doctors. Now people in the United States are discovering a natural alternative to relieve their worst symptoms: salt therapy. Practiced for hundreds of years in Europe in salt caves or …

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“Stressed Tresses” Will Holiday Stress Lead to Hair Loss?

By Alan J. Bauman, M.D. For most of us, the many joys of the holidays are usually accompanied by extra stress, and in some cases, lots of it. From long lines and shopping trips, family dinners and busy travel schedules, it is easy to forget to take care of yourself.  We all know that stress can take its toll on …

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Holiday Weight Gain

The unwanted, unhealthy, un-returnable gift that keeps on giving It was not surprising to learn that holiday weight gain ranked second in what people dread most about the holidays. Gaining weight is on the minds of many Americans and for good reason. According to the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), …

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Developing Discipline

Here’s a question for you: What is one thing in your life that you are not doing, that if you started doing on a regular basis would make a tremendous positive difference in your life? Here’s a follow-up question: why are you not doing it? Answer: most of us are not doing it because we lack discipline. In ancient times …

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