North Palm Beach Edition

Ronna Clements’ #1 Beauty Secret To Great Looking Skin

By Ronna L. Clements, Natural Health & Wellness Innovator Beautiful skin – we all wish we had it! Nice looking skin gives off a radiant glow – it looks healthy and having it is historically associated with beauty and attractiveness. As we set out to achieve beautiful looking skin, we try to find that one magic cream or lotion that …

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Where’s My Reflex Hammer?

One of life’s greatest fears is the fear of memory loss. Where did I put my keys? Did I turn off the stove? Or in my case, where did I leave my reflex hammer? These types of questions are familiar to all of us, and may make us doubt our memory skills. Recent studies have shown that even subjective cognitive …

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IN FOCUS: Hair Transplant Surgery – Unplugged!

By Alan J. Bauman, M.D. For many, when it comes to hair loss, a hair transplant is the only permanent way to restore a receded hairline, build back density and create a more youthful look. But despite the boost in confidence and self-image a hair transplant can deliver, many patients are reluctant to undergo this minor procedure, often due to …

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Parkinson's Disease

One of the disorders that is most gratifying for me to treat is Parkinson’s disease (PD).  There is almost always something that can be done to improve a PD patient’s quality of life.  This is true at the time of diagnosis of PD and continues throughout the course of the disease. I have enjoyed keeping up with the latest advancements, …

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What Is Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion (BRVO)?

By Lauren R. Rosecan, M.D., Ph.D., F.A.C.S. The retina — the layer of light-sensitive cells at the back of the eye — is nourished by the flow of blood, which provides nutrients and oxygen that nerve cells need. When there is a blockage in the veins into the retina, retinal vein occlusion may occur. Branch retinal vein occlusion (BRVO) is …

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Is Your Qi Imbalanced?

How Acupuncture Corrects Functional Flow and Increases Weight Loss Patients have long touted the effectiveness of acupuncture for weight loss, and the scientific community finally agrees. Acupuncture for weight loss has often been questioned as to whether it is scientifically valid even though millions have had benefit from the effects of acupuncture for weight loss. However a recent metanalysis in …

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Communication is key

Submitted by Dana Luzon, Au.D. CC-A, FAAA Written by Danette Jackson, Au.D. Communication could be considered one of the most important factors in any successful relationship. Whether it is with your spouse, your children, or your friends, a relationship lacking communication can be detrimental to yourself as well as your loved ones. Hearing loss affects all parties A lack of …

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Life brings Stress, Pain and Health Issues

Isn’t it time to Fight Back? Destress, Detox, Cleanse and Rejuvenate for a Balanced and Healthy Lifestyle! Have you ever taken a bite out of an apple and set it on the counter? What happens to the apple? It turns brown, right? The reason it turns brown is due to oxidation. Oxidation is caused by free radicals (positive ions) in …

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Obesity Treatment Guidelines

You need to address four areas for a successful and sustainable weight loss program. By Suheil Khuri M.D. 1.Diet: The composition of the healthiest diet is not known, however, total ingested calories are the critical factor for weight loss.  You need to also know that: a. Lower calorie diet tends to cause greater loss of fat mass. However, excessive low …

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Prolotherapy – a pain treatment for all levels of golfers

Have you suffered an injury from golf, or one that is preventing you from playing golf? Over 50% of golfers suffer from traumatic or overuse injuries at some point. Golfing puts significant stress on the body, requiring aggressive twisting and torque which can lead to injury. While prevention is important through using good form, proper equipment, and CORE strengthening, when …

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