North Palm Beach Edition

The Aesthetic Side of Weight Loss – Part III

By Suheil Khuri M.D. This is our last article on the subject of: “The aesthetic side of weight loss”. We have discussed in September: maintenance of healthy skin during weight loss and the use of Injectables. In October we discussed the use of platelet rich plasma (PRP) and combination therapy including radiofrequency and microneedling. In this article we will discuss …

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November Is Alzheimer’s Awareness Month – 10 Warning Signs Of Alzheimer’s

Did you know that memory loss that disrupts daily life may be a symptom of Alzheimer’s or dementia? Alzheimer’s is a brain disease that causes a slow decline in memory, thinking and reasoning skills. According to the Alzheimer’s Association, there are 10 warning signs and symptoms that you should be aware of. We have listed them below. Please keep in …

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Florida Rejuvenation Center is dedicated to integrative medicine, a healing-oriented approach that takes into account the whole person including all aspects of one’s lifestyle. Our company offers a multi-disciplinary approach to age management medicine with a board certified, licensed physician, research scientist, and a licensed health care practitioner. We utilize the body’s information, from physical examination, medical history and laboratory …

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My Partial Denture is Moving… What Can Be Done?

By Lee R. Cohen, D.D.S., M.S., M.S. Partial dentures have long been used to help fill in the spaces where people are missing teeth.  These types of appliances are “removable”, meaning they can be taken in and out of the mouth. Partials have served an important function over the years, allowing patients to chew and smile when other options are …

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An Evolving Future of Disease

By Patrick R. Handley, EMS Clinical Coordinator, Florida SouthWestern State College, Charlotte Campus Ebola has been an extremely hot topic in the news during the last month.  The media loves to sensationalize just about every hot topic that enters the forefront of our minds. Is Ebola another over-sensationalized topic? Or is there merit to the perceived concerns to this “emerging” …

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It’s About the Energy

By Ronna L. Clements, Natural Health & Wellness Innovator When we feel tired, life becomes a struggle. How often do you wake up well rested, bright eyed and ready to take on the world? How is your energy during the day? High and steady or low and dragging? If the answer is the latter, you are not alone. Millions of …

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Trouble Falling Asleep? Up at Night? Sleep better without drugs.

New technology focused on brain health can help you fall asleep easier and get a good night’s rest. By Michael Cohen, Founder, Center for Brain Training If you struggle to fall asleep, have trouble staying asleep, and can’t remember the last good night’s rest you’ve had, you are not alone. Studies show that between 50 and 70 million Americans don’t …

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Developing Discipline

By Dr. Ray Underwood, Palm Beach Community Church Here’s a question for you: What is one thing in your life that you are not doing, that if you started doing on a regular basis would make a tremendous positive difference in your life? Here’s a follow-up question: why are you not doing it? Answer: most of us are not doing …

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The 30-day Rule

Thirty days feels like a blink of an eye as we live our everyday lives.  Time passes and we don’t know where it went.  However, try adding something new to you daily schedule and the same 30 days feels like a lifetime.  This is certainly true when it comes to exercise.  Did you know it takes 30 days to make …

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6 Ways You Can Damage Your Hearing Without Knowing It

By Dana Luzon, Au.D., CCC-A, FAAA, Board Certified Doctor of Audiology Noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) is the most common type of hearing loss, but folks aren’t always sure where their hearing loss comes from. There are some fairly obvious ways to damage your hearing, such as listening to music at excessive volumes, or firing weapons without hearing protection. Then there …

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