South Palm Beach Edition

How to stay at a Healthy Weight through the Holiday Season

The Ideal Protein Weight Loss Method is a medically designed, physician supervised protocol that we offer our patients here at MD Beauty Labs. What makes this diet different from other diets is that this protocol allows you to lose the weight without sparing muscle mass which is crucial because muscle is responsible for burning fat. The protocol was developed in …

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REJUVAnation™ – Amniotic and Umbilical Cord STEM CELL therapy CURE Erectile Dysfunction and Peyronie’s Disease STOP the Pain – Don’t Operate REGENERATE

Get Your Life Back with Stem Cell Therapy REJUVAnation Medical Center is a leader and pioneer in the field of regenerative medicine and a R3 Stem cell clinic, a national leader in stem cell therapy. Amniotic and Umbilical Cord Stem Cell therapy has been used hundreds of thousands of times worldwide for regeneration and repair of body tissue. Stem cell …

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Can I Wait Another Year Before Getting Hearing Aids? Hearing Loss and Dementia

Age-related hearing loss is often thought of as a normal part of growing older, but preventing and treating hearing loss is critical, not only for maintaining hearing, but also more importantly, for brain function. Over the past decade, there have been more and more evidential conclusions on studies related to hearing loss and cognitive decline. Why are these disorders so …

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Are SEXUAL INHIBITIONS Keeping Intimacy Away?

Want to try different things to spice up your relationship but get embarrassed or shy away from things that are new or unfamiliar? Maybe you want to be adventurous and have more confidence but something is keeping you from being open and free. You hold back from trying which then starts to cause boredom, frustration, or lack of intimacy because …

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Get a younger look – courtesy of your own cells

Question: I am a recent empty-nester. I want to look in the mirror and see the youthfulness I feel inside and remove some facial lines. Nothing too invasive, though. What procedures/treatments can you recommend? Answer: I have always loved the expression, “Growing old is mandatory, but growing up is optional!” In the past, fillers and injectables were among the most …

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Trusts Are Not Just For The Wealthy

by Andrew M. Curtis, ESQ Perhaps the most common misconception among the general public concerning the areas of wills and trusts is the notion that if a couple owns less than $5,000,000.00 in assets, that they don’t need a revocable living trust. This is a false notion. For example, I recently had a fellow come to my office whose mother …

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What is Central Serous Retinopathy?

By Lauren R. Rosecan, M.D., Ph.D., F.A.C.S. – In central serous retinopathy (sometimes called central serous choroidopathy), fluid builds up under the retina and distorts vision. Fluid leakage is believed to come from a tissue layer with blood vessels under the retina, called the choroid. Another layer of cells called the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) is responsible for preventing fluid …

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The Scary Truth About “Invisible Baldness”

One of the scariest aspects of hair loss is that the process is often well underway before you can see it in the mirror. “Invisible baldness” is essentially the initial stage of a chronic hair loss condition such as androgenetic alopecia that is especially difficult to spot with the naked eye. Scientific research confirms that it generally takes about 50% …

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Medicare Enrollment

Getting the most from your health plan is important to many seniors but it is not always easy to navigate your way through all of the benefit plans and options. Your plan choices may vary depending on the county in which you live, the medical conditions you have, and your financial status. It is important to review your benefits each …

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Rolling with the Changes

Rolling with the changes continues for Florida Medical Marijuana Health Centers as they plan to grow into America’s first Marijuana based national chain. The owners of the centers, Jerry Lee and Rob Fronrath recently signed an agreement with Canovis Health Centers of America. A merger that parlays into a name change and a national company. In the weeks to come …

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