South Palm Beach Edition

Compression Devices: Effective Treatment for Limb Swelling

By Alyssa Parker Miany individuals attempt to manage their limb swelling through various treatments such as compression stock ings, exercise, diuretics, and elevation with little or no results. Limb swelling, also known as edema, may be a symptom of an underlying medical condition. Some of the most common conditions where limb swelling is the first symptom include venous insufficiency, post …

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MY story

Providing medically advanced care to his patients is a top priority for Marc Weinberg, DC, of Active Health Center. When a neck injury nearly caused him to sell his practice almost nine years ago, he was devastated with the prospect. But constant, debilitating pain nearly left him with no other choice. “I was at a Miami Dolphins football game when …

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By Renee Chillcott, LMHC Late nights, holiday food, visiting with relatives and financial strain may have caused the Holidays to be not quite joyful and bright, but now that it’s over and I am back to my routine, why do I still feel so anxious?  I’m having trouble falling or staying asleep, I am obsessively thinking or worrying about things …

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Could it be your child’s eyes?

Dyslexia • Anxiety • Reluctant Reader • Headaches • ADD/ADHD What Could my Child be Experiencing? Your child might be suffering from Binocular Vision Dysfunction (BVD). With BVD, one eye sees an image differently (vertically, horizontally or both) than the other eye. The body corrects this by overusing and severely straining the eye muscles, causing the symptoms of BVD which …

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Is this all HOCUS POCUS or does NEROFEEDBACK really work?

By Renee Chillcott, LMHC Trying to figure out the best way to help yourself or your loved one can be maddening. There are so many treatment options out there and every one of them claims to “BE THE BEST” and of course it’s never for a small fee and always for a substantial financial commitment. So I’ve made it my …

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How to Keep Your Hair from Falling Out During this (Stressful) Holiday Season By Dr. Alan J. Bauman With the holiday season upon us, we’re not too far from the mega-stress that comes with shopping, dealing with out-of-town guests, making special meal preparations, traveling and everything else in between. We all know that stress can take its toll on our …

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The MCU™ Provides Miraculous Relief From Chronic Neck Pain

Neck pain is a common occurrence in normal day life, now there is a solution! A practicing dentist for 35 years in New York, Robert Herbsman is now retired and living in Juno Beach. The constant bending over to work on patients’ teeth while seated in his dental chair left him with severe head and neck pain. “The pain in …

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New Technology Predicts Early Age Heart Disease Risks

Look for a new noninvasive technology in your Primary Care Physician’s office that can accurately predict your risk of heart disease by age 30. Area Primary Care Physicians are just learning of new technology aiding them in identifying and providing early intervention for those at increased of heart disease. And the response is tremendous. This new technology allows physicians to …

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Laser Liposuction

Laser Liposuction has been around for many years and should have made traditional liposuction obsolete by now, however many physicians are still performing traditional liposuction for several reasons. It can be performed under general anesthesia, and there is no large investment involved as there is with a laser technology. When a patient is put under general anesthesia, the trauma that …

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TrustS Are Not Just For The Wealthy

By Andrew M. Curtis, ESQ Perhaps the most common misconception among the general public concerning the areas of wills and trusts is the notion that if a couple owns less than $5,000,000.00 in assets, that they don’t need a revocable living trust. This is a false notion. For example, I recently had a fellow come to my office whose mother …

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