Neck pain is a common occurrence in normal day life, now there is a solution! A practicing dentist for 35 years in New York, Robert Herbsman is now retired and living in Juno Beach. The constant bending over to work on patients’ teeth while seated in his dental chair left him with severe head and neck pain. “The pain in …
Read More »South Palm Beach Edition
New Technology Predicts Early Age Heart Disease Risks
Look for a new noninvasive technology in your Primary Care Physician’s office that can accurately predict your risk of heart disease by age 30. Area Primary Care Physicians are just learning of new technology aiding them in identifying and providing early intervention for those at increased of heart disease. And the response is tremendous. This new technology allows physicians to …
Read More »Laser Liposuction
Laser Liposuction has been around for many years and should have made traditional liposuction obsolete by now, however many physicians are still performing traditional liposuction for several reasons. It can be performed under general anesthesia, and there is no large investment involved as there is with a laser technology. When a patient is put under general anesthesia, the trauma that …
Read More »TrustS Are Not Just For The Wealthy
By Andrew M. Curtis, ESQ Perhaps the most common misconception among the general public concerning the areas of wills and trusts is the notion that if a couple owns less than $5,000,000.00 in assets, that they don’t need a revocable living trust. This is a false notion. For example, I recently had a fellow come to my office whose mother …
Read More »Family Thanksgiving Activities
By Over 200 years ago, after much thought and prayer, fully knowing their lives would be at risk, the great men of our country issued a declaration for independence. The result was the opportunity for us to enjoy a freedom that has allowed our country to prosper as no other country before it. We have so much for which …
Read More »New Technology Makes Early Detection of This Nation’s Leading Cause of Death Possible
A new, noninvasive technology that screens people for signs of hardened arteries aims to find heart disease long before symptoms develop, and early enough to do something about it. The Soteria Cardiac Platform will revolutionize the way we screen, test, and treat Atherosclerosis. Arteriosclerosis/Atherosclerosis are often used interchangeable. Simply put, we are referring to changes in the artery wall that: …
Read More »Top 4 Questions Patients Ask About Robotic FUE Hair Transplant Surgery
By Dr. Alan J. Bauman Permanently restoring one’s hair to a more youthful and healthy state with a hair transplant can make you look and feel great. But, what’s new in the field of hair transplantation that has improved patient comfort, downtime, naturalness and overall results? The ARTAS robotic-assisted follicular unit extraction hair transplant is the latest advancement in the …
Read More »“Welcome Relief from Feminine Aging Symptoms”
by Dr. Robin Sykes Many women are reluctant to talk about the changes that occur “down under” as we age. Often times symptoms begin as early as after child birth, but then become worse with natural changes associated with decrease in hormone levels and the passage of time. Symptoms range from stress incontinence (leakage), laxity of the tissue and decrease …
Read More »Ensuring our Parents Health Through Medication Compliance
By Dr. David Steinberg, Pharmacist As the baby boomer generation ages and medications become more numerous, children and family members are charged with caring for the loved ones. This task comes not only with much stress but also with many questions. The questions often range from “Who will administer the medication when I’m not there?” “Is there a risk of …
Read More »New Technology Makes Early Detection of This Nation’s Leading Cause of Death Possible
A new, noninvasive technology that screens people for signs of hardened arteries aims to find heart disease long before symptoms develop, and early enough to do something about it. The Soteria Cardiac Platform will revolutionize the way we screen, test, and treat Atherosclerosis. Arteriosclerosis/Atherosclerosis are often used interchangeable. Simply put, we are referring to changes in the artery wall that: …
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