South Palm Beach Edition

Weight Loss Truth

By Dean Sloan, MD Weight loss.  It has become something of a national obsession lately, and for good reason:  two-thirds of American adults are overweight.  It seems just about everybody is either on a weight loss diet or is looking for one.  And that is where we are all making a big mistake.  The overweight state is a permanent condition, …

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One Another

By Brent Myers, Pastor of Community Life It doesn’t take much effort to hear of all the turmoil going on in our nation and around the world. It’s quite frightening at times to think about where this all might end up. But if we’re honest with one another, we really shouldn’t be surprised. Conflict between people has existed since Cain …

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"Small is Beautiful"

A Wonderful book “Small is Beautiful” discussed the concept of Economics as if People Mattered.  While the decade of the 1960’s was known as a decade of massive civil unrest, war, human rights violation, the slaying of the Kennedy’s, Martin Luther King, the era of Peace, Love and Perceived Understanding, Woodstock, Vietnam and Nixon, we can go back fifty years …

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Trouble Falling Asleep? Up at Night? Sleep better without drugs.

New technology focused on brain health can help you fall asleep easier and get a good night’s rest. By Michael Cohen, Founder, Center for Brain Training If you struggle to fall asleep, have trouble staying asleep, and can’t remember the last good night’s rest you’ve had, you are not alone. Studies show that between 50 and 70 million Americans don’t …

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Hair Loss Awareness Month – Become “Hair Aware”

With new treatment options for Hair Loss Awareness Month By Dr. Alan J. Bauman August is National Hair Loss Awareness Month and it’s an important time for men and women to talk to their doctors about the newest tests and treatments available to help them enhance, maintain and restore their own living and growing hair. For more than a decade, …

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Choroidal Neovascular Membranes

By Lauren R. Rosecan, M.D., Ph.D., F.A.C.S. Choroidal neovascular membranes (CNVM) are new blood vessels that grow beneath the retina and disrupt vision. These blood vessels grow in an area called the choroid, the area between the retina and the sclera (the white part of your eye). The choroid supplies oxygen and nutrients to the eye. CNVM occur when new …

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Testosterone linked to Health Concerns in Men

Low testosterone has long been the bane of many men’s existence. It wreaks havoc with your sex drive, causes hair loss, makes you tired and can even change your personality and cause depression. However many men may not realize there are many health issues associated with low testosterone. It is important to understand the health issues that can be caused …

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What are the effects of CHF, and how can it be treated and prevented?

Congestive heart failure can cause other organs such as your kidneys and liver to fail as well. Untreated CHF can also cause damage to your heart valves, and may lead to the development of blood clots, which increase your risk of stroke. Not all conditions that lead to congestive heart failure can be reversed, but treatment can mitigate the symptoms …

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Untreated Heartburn Can Lead to Long-term Damage and Health Problems

By Daniel Lindenberg, MD, PA – We have all experienced heartburn or acid reflux periodically. When is it time to seek professional help? Acid reflux is a normal physiologic process where the gastric contents of the stomach back up into the esophagus. When heartburn occurs infrequently, less than once a week, a simple over the counter antacid can work well. …

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Healthy Hearing Travel Tips: Planning your vacation

Going somewhere this summer? The point of a vacation is to relax, not stress, but hearing loss can sometimes get in the way of your mental detox. So plan ahead: check what accommodations for individuals with hearing loss exist at your hotel or resort, with your travel arrangements and the attractions at your destination. Proper preparation and advance research will …

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