South Palm Beach Edition

Pain, Itching, Bleeding?

There Are Effective Non-Invasive Treatments for Hemorrhoids. By Daniel Lindenberg, MD, PA – By age 50, about half of adults have had to deal with the itching, discomfort and bleeding that can signal the presence of hemorrhoids. “Weak” veins — leading to hemorrhoids and other varicose veins — may be inherited. It’s likely that extreme abdominal pressure causes the veins …

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By Harmony Brown, AP – If you are like 51% of Americans you have difficulty sleeping at least a few nights a week.  Insomnia is a broad term to describe a wide range of sleep disturbances including: night waking, restless/fitful sleep, waking too early, difficulty or inability to fall asleep, or dream disturbed sleep.    The health implications of insomnia are …

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What is clean eating?

Through my work in the health & fitness field over the last 19 years, I have spoken with thousands of individuals.  It has become clear to me there are a few misconceptions about health eating.  Whether called eating good, better than good, and clean, the goal is often the same.  While the attempt to reform your diet is admirable, using …

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Turn Back the Clock with No DownTime

Turn Back the Clock with No DownTime

By Daniela Dadurian, M.D. Can you think of all the claims made for a facelift without surgery? No needles no knives? Chances are that yes you have. Most likely you may be one of the millions looking for the fountain of youth. While there have been many technologies out there that can represent that claim, the fact is that it …

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Don't Live with Chronic Anxiety

A powerful, drug-free method and  technology can help – often dramatically. By Tina Landeen, LCSW and Michael Cohen, Founder, CBT – Do you or someone you know experience chronic anxiety? Are you excessively nervous or fearful? Do you have panic attacks?  If so, you’ve probably already tried or considered medications. Unfortunately, medications don’t always eliminate all the symptoms, and they …

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I Have A Wait Problem

By Brent Myers, Pastor of Community Life – You’re reading a health and wellness magazine and you’re thinking: that guy can’t spell. But the truth is that you read it correctly: I have a wait problem: I don’t like to wait. But who does? Think about it… do you like to wait? Do you love sitting in the waiting room …

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Over 120 Sponsors, Exhibitors, Speakers and Food Vendors will Educate, Entertain and Inspire! Some are calling it the best value in South Florida. For $15 day ($20 for both days and kids under 12 free) you can attend WellFest™ Delray 2014. You can even buy your tickets online at and avoid the long lines. Either way, this trademarked event …

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Hearing Loss Myths: What You Haven’t Heard, Could Hurt You

I’ll just have minor surgery like my friend did, and my hearing will be okay. Many people know someone whose hearing improved after medical or surgical treatment. It’s true that some types of hearing loss can be successfully treated. With adults, unfortunately, this only applies to 5-10% of cases. I’ve got one ear that’s down a little, but the other …

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A Valuable Therapy for Overall Good Health

By Susan Allen, Certified Lymphatic Therapist – There aren’t many “preventative maintenance” therapies in today’s world that will give a person as much overall benefit to their health and well being than Lymphatic Decongestive Therapy (LDT).  The Lymphatic System is not only grossly overlooked, but also of utmost importance in our body’s ability to function properly and remain healthy.  Often …

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When you meet Erik  Leander you might find yourself a bit intimidated.  He’s focused, driven and massive.  Erik is 6’3” and 265 pounds of lean muscle.  He’s a master in the gym and in the kitchen.  Erik’s drive began at age 10 when he bought is 1st weight bench from Walmart with money earned from mowing neighborhood lawns.  Throughout his …

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