Could it be your child’s eyes?

Dyslexia • Anxiety • Reluctant Reader • Headaches • ADD/ADHD
Could it be your child’s eyes?What Could my Child be Experiencing?
Your child might be suffering from Binocular Vision Dysfunction (BVD). With BVD, one eye sees an image differently (vertically, horizontally or both) than the other eye. The body corrects this by overusing and severely straining the eye muscles, causing the symptoms of BVD which include headaches, blurry vision, dizziness, difficulty with reading, learning and concentrating, and even anxiety in large spaces like malls.
Why Does BVD often go Undiagnosed in Children?
When children enter school, they are given standard vision screening. They are tested to determine how well each eye can see (visual acuity). You know the one—cover one eye, read the eye chart…cover the other eye, read the eye chart. They are not tested to see how well their eyes work together as a team (binocular vision) to identify major eye misalignment and double vision. The schools do not test for small amounts of misalignment. Any amount of eye misalignment can lead to reading and attention difficulties. Since BVD may affect up to 50% of children diagnosed with ADD/ADHD, reading and other learning problems, it is critical to test for even small misalignment amount.
Signs your child may have BVD:
They “tilt” their head
Motion sickness
Nausea/Difficulty gaining weight
Clumsiness (poor depth perception)
Sore, tired eyes
Skip lines when reading
Re-reading for comprehension
Blurred or double vision
Light sensitivity
Closing or covering an eye
What is the solution?
iSee VisionCare patients, under the care of Dr. Sonneberg, undergo a detailed and thorough examination of their vision, including assessment for small amounts of eye misalignment (the NeuroVisual evaluation). Problems with near vision, far vision and alignment will be corrected using Vis-AlignTM glasses, resulting in a reduction (or sometimes elimination) of their symptoms.
How do I find out if my child has BVD?
Call our office today to get the easy-to-complete screening questionnaire. Dr. Sonneberg will call you with the results and let you know if she might be able to help your child.
What would your child draw if he/she could see?
RuthAnn’s Story
Seven-year old RuthAnn was having difficulty reading and paying attention in school. She was asked to draw a picture of her doctor prior to her exam (image on left). After RuthAnn received her new Vis-AlignTM glasses, she drew the picture on the right of her doctor.
Jessica’s Headaches
“My daughter had headaches so bad she missed a lot of school. Some days all she could do was to lie in a dark room and sleep. Her pediatrician and neurologist tried a number of medications, but nothing really seemed to work. CAT scans, MRI’s and all of the other tests didn’t find the problem, but the doctors that specialize in NeuroVisual evaluations did. She has subtle eye misalignment, and her Vis-AlignTM glasses corrected it. Now Jessica rarely has bad headaches and almost never misses school.”
Mother of Jessica, 13 years old
Chris’ Concussion
“Chris hit his head when he fell off his bike two years ago and hasn’t been the same since. He had been getting headaches frequently, and was nauseous a lot. He was clumsy and uncoordinated. He used to be a good reader, but after his concussion he read slowly and had trouble concentrating, which made homework a struggle for him. In spite of all of his hard work, his grades had fallen. The Vis-AlignTM glasses prescribed by his doctor have made an unbelievable difference in all of these problems!”
Father of Chris, 9 years old
Sammy’s Concentration Difficulties
“I’ve had trouble sitting still in school since first grade. I’ve been told I have ADD/ADHD and a ‘learning disability’. Medications and other treatments really didn’t seem to help much. Before I started using my Vis-AlignTM glasses, I had difficulty concentrating, and reading was hard for me to do. I was a very slow reader – I had to read the same paragraph two or three times to understand it. My teachers thought I was lazy because I seemed smarter than my test scores.”
Sammy, 17 years old
In 1995 doctors developed the NeuroVisual EvaluationTM (a specialized eye exam that finds the hidden misalignment of BVD). The groundbreaking prismatic glasses eliminate the need for the body to make any corrections resulting in a reduction or even elimination of the symptoms of BVD.
iSee Vision Care
6651 Woolbright Rd., Suite 112
Boynton Beach, FL 33437

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