LOW TESTOSTERONEMillions of American males suffer from hypogonadism, often referred to as “low T.” This condition affects men of all ages and causes a number of problems. Men have been known to experience everything from depression to hair loss because of this condition. Doctors are now able to use testosterone replacement therapy to help those seeking to increase their testosterone levels and reverse these effects.
Here we answer some of the most common questions relating to low T.
What is testosterone and what does it do?
Testosterone is a hormone that’s produced in a male’s testicles. The production of this hormone is very important because it’s used by the body in a number of ways. For instance, the testosterone hormone is used to maintain the distribution of fat throughout the male’s body, and even affects the strength and durability of a man’s bones. A male’s level of testosterone plays a major part in sperm production as well as the number of red bloods cells produced in the body.
Age and genetics play a significant role in the amount of testosterone that’s produced as well. Juvenile males often produce far less of the hormone at a young age. However, as these young adults begin to enter puberty their testicles begin producing more of the testosterone hormone. As the production of the hormone increases pubescent males begin seeing significant changes to their bodies, such as more body hair, more muscle definition, increase in energy, a deeper voice, and much more. This increase in the testosterone hormone continues until the male is in their late 20s. Upon reaching 30, most males will begin experiencing a slow and steady decline in the amount of testosterone produced.
What causes testosterone levels to decline?
Any testosterone specialist will tell you that low testosterone levels are often brought on by a number of things. As you just read, those who begin reaching a certain age will begin to experience the decline. Many males experience low  amounts of production simply because of their genetics. Obesity and a steady increase in weight gain has been linked to a sharp decrease in testosterone production, which is why testosterone specialists often advise a change of diet to help reverse this problem.
Certain medical conditions have also been linked to lower testosterone production. For instance, individuals who are suffering from type 2 diabetes tend to also have lower levels of the hormone. Men, who are being treated with chemotherapy for testicular cancer, or any other form of cancer, may also experience a loss of testosterone production. In this case, radiation and/or chemotherapy can damage the testicles and glands that actually produce the hormone. In order to combat this loss, doctors typically prescribe a testosterone supplement.
What are the symptoms of Low T?
Many males suffer from low testosterone levels and don’t even realize it. Although every male experiences different symptoms associated with low T, there are a number of common signs to look for. For instance, hair loss is thought by many to be a sign of a decrease in testosterone. Those males who begin experiencing an unexpected increase in body fat, or a strange decrease in their muscle tone and levels of strength, may actually be experiencing a simultaneous decrease in the testosterone hormone.
Aside from physical changes, males also tend to experience emotional and psychological changes. Many males who produce an insufficient amount of testosterone have known to become very depressed and well as short-tempered. Because of the connection between testosterone and a man’s sex drive, a decline in libido and performance in the bedroom also becomes an issue. Due to these numerous subtle changes many males begin feeling self-conscious about the way they look and feel, and a lack of motivation and confidence begins to become an issue as well.
How can I increase my testosterone levels?
Although it may be helpful, adopting a better diet and exercise regimen isn’t enough to encourage testosterone production. Testosterone replacement therapy is usually used to help increase production of the hormone. Patients have the options of receiving injections, rub-on creams and gels, or patches.
The injections are typically done by a medical professional and are given every other week. Injections are given in the buttocks or deltoids and take minutes to receive. Creams can be applied by patients on a daily basis, and are placed on the upper arms, legs, or shoulders. Placing the supplemental cream on the skin helps the body to absorb the drug almost immediately, and the individual experiences a testosterone boost that lasts for hours. Patches work similarly to creams in that they allow testosterone to enter the bloodstream through the skin. However, unlike creams, patches are attached and not rubbed on. Patches provide a steady stream of testosterone to supplement the amount that’s been lost; this stream lasts for 24 hours, and after that the patch is replaced.
At Maximum’s Men’s Clinic we specialize in all things relating to men’s health.  If you or someone you love believes Low T may be affecting your health and quality of life, we are here to help you find answers, contact our team for a free consultation at 561-402-7159.

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