Groundbreaking Technology to Treat Back and Neck Pain

Groundbreaking Technology to Treat Back and Neck PainBack and neck pain affect nearly 80% of our population. Surgery is usually unnecessary, and many people find remarkable pain relief with regenerative medicine. If you suffer from chronic low back pain or neck pain and have been told to just live with your pain, or that surgery is your only option, that is not true. There are multiple alternative therapeutic techniques to get you out of pain and two stand out from the rest! Accu-SPINA® and IDD Therapy® are a combined treatment option for back pain and neck pain conditions.
IDD Therapy® treatment is a clinically proven, computer-directed, disc treatment for the relief of back and neck pain
Developed in collaboration with top neurosurgeons and FDA cleared
The ONLY treatment with patented oscillation technology to encourage spinal regeneration
Promotes healing by reducing compression surrounding the injured disc
Reduces pain by relieving pressure and re-educating the surrounding muscle tissues1
What is IDD Therapy®?
Intervertebral Differential Dynamics Therapy is precise, computer-controlled spinal treatment used to “stretch” the space between specific discs to alleviate the pain caused by disc compression. Compressed discs are the root cause of many issues that affect our bodies: not just the neck and back, but also the arms, legs and extremities; issues such as bulging and herniated discs, sciatica and facet syndrome can be treated with IDD Therapy. 1
IDD Therapy treatment uses dynamic energy, applied at differentiating levels of the patient’s spine. IDD Therapy® was developed and advanced by multi-disciplinary physicians including neurosurgeons for the non-surgical resolution of back and neck pain.1
What makes IDD Therapy® so effective?
Through science and technology, this therapy can target the lumbar and cervical spine, to gently create space in the vertebrae surrounding an injured disc. In technical terms, during the treatment, the intradiscal pressure is reduced from a positive to a negative pressure. This negative pressure is thought to induce a flow of water, oxygen and nutrients into the vertebral disc area to promote improvement in disc health.1
The Accu-SPINA® and IDD Therapy® are a broad range of treatment protocols that mimics many conventional physical-therapy regimens. Unlike other regimens, the Accu-SPINA® is able to treat the specific spinal segments that are damaged with computer directed precision, and variable pressure, to ensure an individualized treatment protocol for each patient. There truly is no other spinal rehabilitation device like the Accu-SPINA®.1
This Unique Technology Rises Above Other Spinal Decompression Options for Bottom Back Pain and a Variety of other Pain-Causing Issues
The Accu-SPINA® produces a unique, patented, waveform called oscillation, which is a key component to elevating IDD Therapy® above other treatment options. For example, one of the most common problems caused by disc issues is pain located at the bottom of the back, the Accu-SPINA’s delivery method allows for highly specific mobilization, or distraction, of the targeted spinal segment to improve functional performance. 1
Using the Accu-SPINA®, IDD Therapy® treatment delivers a highly effective and effortless physical therapy session. Precise cycling from active to passive tensions enable the Accu-SPINA® to deliver graduating neuromuscular re-education to spinal structures and surrounding tissues while decompressing and rehydrating the disc.1
This combined technology can treat the following conditions:
– Neck pain
– Back pain
– Herniated discs
– Bulging discs
– Degenerative and intravertebral disc disease
– Posterior facet syndrome
– Sciatica
– Impingements
This treatment doesn’t just mask symptoms, yet rather heals and it typically cost less than a copay for back surgery.
Jupiter Healthcare and Chiropractic
Jupiter Healthcare is a comprehensive chiropractic and physical therapy group. They pride themselves on being able to provide effective therapy outcomes for their patients, no matter what the injury or condition. So, whether you’re recovering from a painful injury or surgery, or trying to adapt to permanent lifestyle changes from an ongoing condition, their elite team of advanced certified therapists can develop an individual, progressive treatment plan to help you achieve measurable results you can see and feel.
Please contact them today at (561) 741-7575
1 NAMC, North American Medical Corporation, IDD Therapy, 2019,


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