Has Breast Cancer Treatment Left You Feeling a Little ‘Off’ in the Bedroom?

Breast Cancer Treatment In the United States, the CDC reports that over 276,400 women are diagnosed with invasive breast cancer annually. Additionally, 48,530 new non-invasive breast cancer cases are also reported. Thankfully most women who have breast cancer will survive it. Unfortunately, they often survive with issues that may plague their love life. Breast cancer survivors almost always suffer from prolonged side effects of estrogen deprivation, such as vaginal dryness and consequently, decreased libido. Painful sexual intercourse, or dyspareunia due to vaginal dryness from hormonal changes can be secondary to the treatment of breast cancer.

It’s not just about menopause — it’s not just about cancer — It’s about how it affects families and intimate relationships. It’s a serious issue. Women with breast cancer history are usually not candidates for hormone replacement that can be used in other postmenopausal women. However, there are other viable treatment options that work.

Technological advances now give alternative options to help make vaginal tissue healthier with treatment such as ablative lasers and PRP.

When estrogen creams and other topical therapies are contraindicated or not effective, vaginal lasers may also be a treatment option that can offer relief for vaginal dryness and other symptoms related to menopause. Vaginal rejuvenation lasers are one of the most effective treatments with proven results.
These innovative laser treatments for vulvovaginal atrophy and dyspareunia are performed in the convenience of the doctors’ office with no medications,
no cutting, and no lengthy healing times, – just rapid restoration and regeneration of the delicate area.

The laser assists with cell renewal, regeneration of the mucous membrane, and restoration of collagen.

Physicians who use these lasers are getting great results by giving a no hormonal option to those unable to use estrogen therapy.

O-Shot (PRP Injections)
The O-Shot is a non-surgical, minimally invasive treatment that uses PRP (platelet-rich plasma) to stimulate tissue growth and regeneration. PRP is spun down from the patient’s blood in a centrifuge. It is packed with powerful growth factors. O-Shot injections are performed in the comfort of the office. There is little to no pain associated with the injection process, and a topical anesthetic is available for additional comfort.

Many studies show that using platelet rich plasma can improve symptoms of menopause, pain associated with dyspareunia, and vaginal dryness. The use of PRP (platelet rich plasma) in the O-Shot Procedure is an effective way to help vulvovaginal restoration because it’s natural, local effect doesn’t increase estrogen levels. It repairs the tissue by recruiting growth factors to the area.

Due to its incredible ability to regenerate tissue, PRP is used by multiple different medical specialties including orthopedic surgeons, plastic surgeons, functional medicine doctors, physical therapists and dentists, to name a few. Over 85% of women see marked improvement after an O-Shot. The tissue becomes healthier and more comfortable for sexual activity without having to take estrogen.

Calla Genics of Lake Worth, Florida Specializes in Wellness for Both Men and Women.

Calla Genics:
At Calla Genics, we understand the importance of “living your best life” through intentional action. Dr. Tiffany is specially trained to help you look and feel like a younger version of yourself. With the latest in technology and non-surgical treatments, Calla Genics provides the most powerful and proven procedures that eliminate the common signs of aging and resulting loss of self-confidence.

Serving Palm Beach County and surrounding areas, we are excited to establish ourselves as an industry leader in medical aesthetics for adult men and women of all ages. Whether you are interested in sexual wellness using Wavetherapy and PRP or having a fresh and radiant look through regenerative procedures (facials, hair growth and body lifts), Botox and injectable fillers – we can provide it all. Dr. Tiffany and her team of professionals will construct an individualized treatment plan that addresses your concerns and leaves you feeling and looking like a better you!

Contact Calla Genics Today.
(877) 243-6427 | 7657 Lake Worth Rd.,
Lake Worth, FL 33467


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