concussionA Concussion is a serious yet common brain injury that is often overlooked.  A simple blow to the head can cause a Concussion, even if the signs and symptoms do not appear right away.  When a concussion occurs, symptoms may not develop right away and even if they do, they may not be easily recognized.  For this reason, Concussions can be difficult to diagnose. Due to the damaging after effects of a Concussion, it is important to learn the signs and symptoms of this serious injury.
First here are the OBVIOUS SIGNS:

  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Feeling pressure in the head
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Sensitivity

NOT SO OBVIOUS symptoms:

  • Confusion
  • Feeling as if in a fog
  • Poor memory
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Irritability
  • Depression
  • Mood swings
  • Fatigue

Many individuals who suffer from a concussion may develop symptoms immediately. Others can develop symptoms several hours or even a few days after the traumatic event. Some symptoms that commonly occur with a concussion do not fit into a specific category. They are general symptoms that can affect different aspects of bodily functions and can develop either immediately after the injury or days later. It may appear as something as unusual as a strange taste in the mouth or disorders affecting the sense of smell.
Children may be less likely than adults to recognize when something is not right in their bodies. Children have the ability to dismiss symptoms and continue on with their normal routine. Although many concussion symptoms are similar for both children and adults alike, there are some specific symptoms that are commonly exhibited among children suffering from a concussion. Many parents are surprised to learn that some of these seemingly insignificant symptoms are actually important factors in diagnosing a concussion in children.
Common concussion symptoms in children include:

  • Listlessness
  • Tiring easily
  • Irritability
  • Crankiness
  • Change in eating habits
  • Disturbance in sleeping pattern
  • Lack of interest in favorite toys or activities
  • Loss of balance
  • Unsteady gait
  • Loss of appetite

There is now a revolutionary approach that can evaluate and eliminate the damaging effects of a Concussion.  Neural Organization Technique has been successfully used to treat Concussions in as little as three to five treatments.
The following is a testimonial from the mother of a teenage girl who was treated using Neural Organization Technique:
“My daughter went on a group ski weekend with her friends. The conditions were icy – not ideal for skiing.
Although Jen was wearing a helmet she slipped on the ice and fell backward hitting the back of her head, then whipping forward landing face down on the ice.  There was no way to prevent a concussion with such a serious wipe out.
She had the immediate symptoms of being dazed and feeling out of it. Her head and neck hurt. The sounds around her were too loud, she was sensitive to light. She felt sick to her stomach and was very tired but couldn’t rest.
She went to a room and texted me. I told her to get a buddy and have them watch her. I was very worried. The chaperon gave her some Tylenol.  Two days later she returned home from the trip.  She looked ok but tired and had a headache.  These symptoms lasted for 8 weeks. School was getting to be a real problem. She was not able to concentrate. It was very hard to read and comprehend. Teachers were just making noise, nothing was sticking.  The traditional medical community said to have her rest. No activity, no texting, no TV, no driving, no to everything, just rest. She couldn’t even rest peacefully. She would wake up every 3 or 4 hours, never getting a full night sleep.
We call our friend in Florida who’s daughter had also had sustained a concussion on the icy slope, and symptoms similar to Jen’s. She had taken her daughter to Dr. Kitay.
They had had immediate results; all of her symptoms were gone.  I thought it was worth a spring break vacation to see Dr. Kitay and the Atlantic Ocean.  Both were amazing.
After seeing the Doctor one time for Neural Organization Technique, Jen’s demeanor was 90 times better! Seriously, worth the air fare… Her symptoms were cut in half. There were two more treatments and she was symptom free. A few good nights of full sleep and she and I were back to having conversations, both of us relieved this concussion was gone and behind us.
We are very grateful to our friend who was willing to share her experience with us and to tell us about Dr. Kitay and Neural Organization Technique. Dr. Kitay is professional, intuitive, kind and caring. She is a healer. Thank you again and again.”    Nancy
DR. ANNALEE KITAY is a doctor of chiropractic, and specializes in the Neural Organization Technique.   Formerly in practice at the Atkins Center for Complementary Medicine with Dr. Robert Atkins in New York, and was a close associate of Dr. Carl A. Ferreri, the developer of Neural Organization Technique.
Dr. Kitay believes that we all have an inherent ability to be healthy. She sees her role as a facilitator to help attain, regain, or maintain a healthy state of being. A person is more that their individual parts. Every system, organ and limb is interdependent on each other. Identifying the origins and the dynamics of an imbalance among these parts and the consequences thereof are important in understanding the resulting symptoms. By creating balance at the core level, symptoms can disappear and a state of well being is restored. Dr. Kitay practices in Boca Raton, Florida and also has satellite offices in New York and New Jersey at specific scheduled times. She sees patients by appointment and can be reached at 561-620-6007

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