Make this Holiday Season Filled with Fun, Family & Fitness

Fitbella3The Holiday season has arrived along with more festivities, time with family and friends and those yummy treats.  Many anticipate the holidays with mixed emotions, excitement about the season and fun that awaits, and dread of those additional holiday pounds we tend to pack on in November and December. Don’t let this Holiday season derail your fitness and body composition goals, instead break the cycle this year and meet 2015 as a trimmer, fitter you.  Eight easy tips will keep you on track this Holiday Season:
1.    Plan ahead!  Schedule your fitness routine like any other appointment.  We all schedule hair, nail and doctor appointments and tend to keep these appointments consistently.  This Holiday Season schedule your fitness appointment with you personal FitCoach.  They will be sure to
remind you!!!.
2.     Get it out of the way.  The earlier you can do your workout each day, the better, afternoon and evening fitness plans have a greater tendency to be blown off.  With Fitbella the only thing you will blowing off are the unwanted pounds.
3.    Be accountable.  When you commit to yourself and someone else you are more likely to reach your goal and show up each and every workout.  Your personal FitCoach will not only cheer you on each step of the way, she  will also make sure you are on track to reach you goals.
4.    Stay hydrated by drinking water, water and more water.  Hydration makes you feel full, and dehydration and masquerade as hunger.  One of simplest ways to decrease calorie consumption is simply drink lots and lots of water.  An added perk – staying hydrated makes you look younger, by decreasing the appearance of wrinkles, and creating a youthful glow.
5.    Get a little help from your friends.  While not every workout can be a happy hour – at least once a week invite friends and turn your daily commitment into social hour with a healthy twist.
6.    Commit your time.  Yes we are all busy, but everyone can fit a 30 min workout into the day.  After you will be rewarded with a 20 minute FitBath – the ultimate mini spa treat.
7.    Everything in moderation.  There is no need to completely deny yourself this holiday season, use the principle of moderation.  So choose either drinks or dessert.  Your FitCoach can always suggest a healthy holiday recipe that will fulfill that sweet tooth this Holiday Season.
8.    Be consistent with exercise, don’t give up you will be thankful come January!!!  And remember your FitCoach is always there to help and support you.  You can do this – be a brand new you entering
a brand new year.
Your FitCoaches are wishing you and your family a Happy holiday season!
So go ahead, Book your free fit check today 561-775-0122.
2401 PGA Blvd., Suite 128, Palm Beach Gardens Fl, 33410
Harbour Financial Center (Carmine’s Plaza)

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