New 3D-Printed Hair: Is it Right for You?

By Dr. Alan J. Bauman, Hair Loss Specialist
New 3D-Printed Hair: Is it Right for You?For most anyone experiencing hair loss, the situation can be a significant cause of stress, anxiety and concern. Shedding significant amounts of hair and seeing more scalp shining through can negatively impact hair styling, disrupt our mood and lower our self-esteem. While medical treatments for hair loss have advanced tremendously over the past few decades, they haven’t always been an option for every type of hair loss sufferer. For those individuals whose hair loss was caused by an accident such as a burn or injury that resulted in permanent scalp trauma, or for those suffering with conditions like alopecia totalis and alopecia universalis, traditional medical restorative treatments are simply not effective. Additionally, some men and women are precluded from undergoing restorative treatments due to certain types of medical conditions or treatments that are commonly known to cause hair loss, such as radiation or chemotherapy.
In an effort to solve this problem, the hair loss community is continually developing and improving upon traditional hair replacement options which include wigs, hairpieces and hair extensions. The goal has always been to conceal baldness in cases where it can’t otherwise be treated. Most recently, new and highly advanced hair systems known as cranial prosthetics that employ the use of 3D-printing technology represent some of the most exciting breakthroughs happening in the world of non-medical hair restoration today.
Introducing the CNC System – Made in Italy
The CNC System made by Cesare Ragazzi Laboratories (CRLAB) in Bologna, Italy is the only hair replacement system in the world to utilize patented 3D-printing technology to produce an ultra-comfortable and nearly undetectable hair and scalp cranial prosthetic. CNC is unique because it provides a natural-looking hair replacement solution using safe and comfortable medical-grade FDA-cleared components. Most importantly, CNC gives those with partial or total hair loss the ability to restore their appearance, confidence and self-esteem, without compromise!
Life with a CNC System
Many patients describe their CNC as “a part of them.” Unlike a traditional wig or hairpiece, the CNC system is never hot, itchy or uncomfortable—which allows wearers a previously unattainable new level of confidence, freedom and comfort with their new “hair.” The man or woman can shampoo and style their CNC with ease and participate in all activities while wearing their CNC, including swimming and high-impact sports.
How is a 3D-printed CNC Hair System Made?
Once a patient is selected for the CNC hair and scalp cranial prosthetic, a template is made that matches the exact contour of the head and scalp area to be restored. Then, a cast or mold of the entire scalp is taken and other parameters are recorded. The cast is mailed to the CRLAB factory in Bologna, Italy where an exact 3D-printed model of the head and scalp is
produced. Using the 3D-printed model as its foundation, the prosthetic base or “2nd scalp” is handmade, applied layer by layer, using special polymeric resin that has been dermatologically tested and designed to provide exceptional comfort and stability.
Unprocessed, natural human hair is carefully and artistically selected from an extensive european-sourced “hair library” with an exact match of desired color, curl, length and thickness according to the client’s wishes. One by one, each “virgin” hair strand is hand-sewn into the prosthetic base, implanted at precise distribution, angle and direction for a seamless and undetectable match to the client’s natural hair patterns.
The completed CNC system is mailed back to the center where it is carefully applied and secured onto the client’s scalp using a special medical-grade adhesive. The client is now free to enjoy and style their hair however they’d like!
With monthly maintenance, which includes removal and reapplication of the prosthesis, and proper care, the hair system can last far longer than traditional wigs and hairpieces, ultimately saving patients money.
Find Out if 3D-Printed Hair is Right for You
If you’re interested in learning whether you are a candidate for a custom CNC hair system, schedule a long-distance phone consultation or an in-person, in-office consultation with Dr. Bauman online at or by calling toll-free 844-GET-HAIR or +1-561-394-0024. To learn more about CNC hair replacement systems visit
About the ‘CNC’ Hair & Scalp Cranial Prosthetic
CNC (by CRLAB in Italy) is a customized medical-grade hair replacement system that is approved by
the Italian Ministry of Health.
The CNC cranial prosthesis is crafted from beautiful, 100 percent unprocessed human hair meticulously implanted
into an ultra-lightweight, breathable, antibacterial, derma-compatible polymeric base made using 3D-printing technology.
Made with FDA-cleared components, CNC is a unique hair replacement option for patients who suffer from autoimmune alopecia or extensive scarring alopecia, as well as patients who may not be good candidates for hair transplants.
The CNC can be shampooed and styled with ease and can be exposed to all activities, including swimming, shampooing, hairstyling, and high-impact sports.
Patients say the CNC becomes “a part of them,” never hot, itchy or uncomfortable — providing a previously unattainable level of confidence, freedom and comfort above and beyond traditional medical wigs.
With monthly maintenance and proper care, the prosthesis can last far longer than traditional wigs and hairpieces, ultimately saving patients money in the end.

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