By Ronna L. Clements, Natural Health & Wellness Innovator
We are designed to move. Our design is motion design.
Physical exercise is so important for the proper functioning of our heart, muscles, circulatory system, removal of toxins and wastes, and for increasing the whole body’s efficiency.
Exercise is especially important for ill people. An ill body actually needs more physical exercise than a healthy one. If one suffers from let’s say, circulatory problems, he or she should exercise regularly and strengthen their body to withstand this factor.
Here is one simple truth: A physically active lifestyle not only protects us from becoming ill, but it also helps to eliminate many disorders that some of us currently have today.
What stops people from exercising? Well, for some, it is pure laziness and lack of motivation to become fit. But, for many others, they just don’t know where to go or how to get started on a proper exercise routine. It can be a little bit overwhelming to think about all of the exercise options that exist and a lot of the time, people are intimidated and scared to take the first step.
Another reason some people may not exercise is due to cost. Not all of us can be fortunate enough to afford many of the fitness luxuries that exist today; health clubs, fitness franchises, one-on-one personal training and pilates, yoga memberships, martial arts training, cross-fit gyms, golf and tennis memberships. The list could go on and on with costs of fitness related activities. I have a solution to this as you will soon read below.
None-the-less, an exercise program or activity should be designed for your individual body, age, and health goals. If you choose something that is enjoyable, you’ll look forward to doing it and then you’ll make good progress along the way.
There is nothing worse than choosing a type of exercise that you do not care for just because it may be “in vogue” at the time. Choose something you enjoy so you can stick with it.
I’ll let you in on a little secret I have come to realize recently.
Over the course of the 40 years of my personal exercise experience, through trials and tribulations of practicing many different forms of exercise options I have chosen along the way, I have settled on believing that walking is one of the safest and best forms of exercise to perform.
That’s right – plain and simple – walking. And what is one of the best parts about walking? It’s free!
It is very important to invest in a quality pair of walking shoes, though, that will support your feet and entire body structure.
Human beings are naturally meant to walk. We are bipedal, upright organisms with bodies designed for locomotion. Walking is actually a complex behavior that requires functional integration of a great deal of sensory and motor experience; it exercises our brains as well as our musculoskeletal system.
When you walk, the movement of your limbs is cross-patterned: the right leg and left arm move forward at the same time, then the left leg and right arm. This type of movement generates electrical activity in the brain that has a harmonizing influence on the whole central nervous system – a special benefit of walking that you do not get from other kinds of exercise.
Many of the healthiest people I have met are dedicated walkers.
For all of us who live here in sunny south Florida, we have the wonderful opportunity that many others do not have to walk outside in the warm weather whether it be on the ocean or just outdoors among the oxygen rich air which is provided by all of the palm trees.
Walking in the early morning is energizing for the rest of your day or you can choose to walk in the evening under the beautiful Florida sky.
So, there you have it. No matter what form of exercise you choose, just get moving!
Not only will you feel better, but you’ll usually sleep more soundly at night.
our body is designed to move.
Life is Motion.
(561) 632-9187
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