Reassessing Your Stressing – Take a load off and let your hair down

by Alan J. Bauman, MD, ABHRS

Your Stressing
Even with the weather getting warmer and the sun shining longer, there’s just one thing you can never escape: stress.

Whether it’s your daily commute to the office, getting the kids to and from soccer practice, or getting behind on bills, life is filled with enough anxiety to make you want to pull your hair out.

There’s just one problem with that—you’re so stressed that you don’t have enough hair to pull out. With April being Stress Awareness Month, our Bauman Medical team wanted to emphasize stress’s impact on one’s scalp. Spoiler alert: it’s harsh. External factors like stress are a top cause of hair loss, behind genetics and hormonal changes.

But what exactly is causing your hair to fall out due to stress? Just as we feel stress in different parts of our body, for example knots in our stomach or a restless leg, our scalp can also get stressed out. I’ve seen a lot people experiencing hair loss during my time here in Boca Raton, and especially through the pandemic, but the three most common causes of hair loss all share an underlying stress component:
Telogen effluvium: If you’ve ever noticed more hair falling out in the shower or getting caught in your brush, you may have TE. Hair follicles are delicate and highly sensitive to stress hormone cortisol, whether it be from physiological factors such as illness or surgery to underlying psychological stressors and perceived stress. These cause our follicles to shed abnormally and go into a sort of hibernation phase, deemed the Telogen or resting stage. During this time, follicles become dormant and growth is hampered.

Trichotillomania: This is more of a subconscious case. Trichotillomania, to put it simply, is when you excessively or compulsively twirl or pull your hair while stressed out. While it may seem soothing for your mind, you’re causing stress on your hair, leading to shedding and damaged follicles. Yeah, hair is delicate.

Alopecia areata (AA): Our immune systems fight germs and bacteria that enter our bodies. But AA can turn our bodies against us, attacking hair follicles and disturbing their typical growing phases. AA can be brought on by various things, one of the most common being stress.

I like to view hair growth like a garden. How fitting, with the upcoming April showers soon to bring May flowers. But it’s not just rain that cultivates a blossoming rose. You need quality soil, too. In this case, your scalp is the soil necessary to promote hair growth, and my soothing Scientific Scalp Makeovers ought to do the trick.
Geared for those battling stress-related hair loss, these makeovers help reverse those effects, providing some well-needed R&R for both you and your scalp. You’ll be welcomed with low lighting and soft music when you step into the serene SalonB “head spa” room. Let the relaxation begin and your stress melt away, as the 60-minute to three-hour session will consist of an array of calming services, such as:

  • Aromatherapy
  • A customized scalp mask treatment for maximum scalp health and hair beauty
  • A deep and thorough scalp massage to stimulate and cleanse the scalp, as well as increase circulation
  • Deep cleansing shampoo
  • A customized conditioner or hair mask

Just reading that brings on a calming nature. But there’s more to stress relief than our Scalp Makeovers. For your everyday needs, you’ll need to tackle the root cause of your stress. While we can’t help you find that, we can at least provide you with a root that might alleviate it.

At Bauman Medical, we believe in melding Eastern and Western medicine philosophies to provide the perfect Ying for your Yang. Enter: the Zenmaster. As a stress adaptogen, the Zenmaster unleashes the superpowers of the ancient herb ashwagandha to provide stress relief for your damaged follicles, creating a perfectly choreographed namaste for your scalp.

For those overwhelmed by stress, taking 2-4 capsules daily will produce results within two weeks of use. Adaptogens are natural substances that help the body adapt to stress. While not all stress is inherently harmful, chronic levels of high stress lead to the production of cortisol. This hormone, when produced, affects various organs throughout the body, including hair follicles.

Used for centuries, ashwagandha helps put your body at ease by reducing levels of cortisol during stressful times. Coupled with BioPerine® for absorption aid, the Zenmaster will have you saying “Om” in no time.

Now that your scalp and body feel at ease let’s tackle hair regrowth. From procedures to products, Bauman Medical will have your hair flowing in no time thanks in part to these proven effective hair restoration solutions:

PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma): When you come down to Boca Raton, you can bask in the warm sun and refreshing waters. Sounds relaxing, doesn’t it? Well, who said you can’t be comfortable while improving hair growth? With PRP, you carve out an hour of your day in our office without worrying about recovery or potential risks. Curious how it works? Our experts will take a small blood sample to harness the platelets within. These platelets are then separated from the whole blood and concentrated. We then take this and inject them back into the scalp, where fragile hair follicles reside. And don’t worry about pain, as we use local anesthesia for a smooth procedure. It takes only one PRP treatment to see tremendous results that last a year or more.

Bauman Turbo LaserCap:
This isn’t the typical LaserCap you may find on Amazon or at Costco. The award-winning Bauman Turbo LaserCap is the most technologically advanced portable FDA-cleared low-level laser light therapy (LLLT) device for hair regrowth currently available. With over 300 high-quality laser diodes, sit back and relax for only 5 minutes daily to feel the cap rejuvenate your hair’s overall health and promote regrowth. The Turbo also covers 25% more area of the scalp than any other on the market, packs flat and is easy to travel with, it’s adjustable and customizable, has a longer battery life and comes with a lifetime warranty.

If you’re concerned about hair loss and what would be the best treatment for you, I suggest having a private, one-on-one consultation either at our 12,000 ft² “Hair Hospital” or virtually from the comfort of your home. Either way, Bauman Medical is here to provide you with some peace of mind.

Call 561-220-3480 to schedule your private one-on-one in-person or virtual consultation at

Hair Restoration for Men and Women


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