Skin Tightening Legacy

Skin Tightening LegacySkin laxity affects millions of people and doesn’t necessarily discriminate against race or age. Skin laxity can be a result of excessive weight loss, pregnancy, aging or simply genetics. Deciding whether to treat the issue or just let it be is a personal choice. The many options may weigh heavy for some and for others having an option is a luxury.
Plastic Surgery may seem like the only option; for some that is very true, and for others it can certainly be avoided. So having technology that requires no downtime and no incisions is a luxury that you simply cannot afford to miss out on.  The technology that is most popular is radiofrequency.
Radiofrequency has been around for the past decade and hasn’t always been the most comfortable treatment, but as time has evolved it has been perfected into a more comfortable, tolerable, treatment with effective results.
The technology that we use is called the Venus Legacy. The Venus Legacy is the newest skin tightening device that is an upgrade from its prior version the Venus Freeze. The Venus Legacy is a device for skin tightening that works by using a combination of Radio Frequency and Multi-Polar Magnetic Pulse that uniformly distributes deep heat to the underlying layers of the skin.   This process triggers the skin to heal naturally while stimulating the production of new collagen, elastic fibers and the formation of new blood vessels. The treatment delivers a highly uniform energy that reaches multiple depths under the skin to allow for better treatment outcomes. The Venus Legacy is superior because it is able to penetrate deeply into the skin, and precisely measure the distributed heat so that the body reaches therapeutic temperatures. It also has built in suctioning hand piece that has multiple levels of suction.  The suction helps to increase blood supply and distribute the heat uniformly.
The production of collagen produces skin tightening results. The other benefit of having the deep level of heat penetration with precise temperatures is that we are able to de-bulk the fat layer as well.  So we are able to produce results such as circumferential reduction, improved fat bulges, belly bulges, love handles and most notably we use the technology for skin tightening on crepey skin, loose sagging skin, post pregnancy and excessive weight loss. We are able to use it on almost every part on the body.  This treatment is provided in a comfortable setting and is tolerable and pain free.  In order to assess if you are candidate, a complimentary consultation is recommended. Consultations help to provide insight on past medical history and cosmetic surgical history. We are able to identify medical issues that may eliminate someone as a candidate, but there are few contraindications which include pregnancy and having a pacemaker.
So if you’re considering options for de-bulking fat and you’ve tried all you can with diet and exercise, this is one of the many options available today that does not require going under the knife. In many cases patients will come in for a consultation and request a certain procedure, however after an in-depth conversation we sometimes find we can sometimes determine that there are different treatment options available that may be affordable than what one initially thought. We pride ourselves in having those options available to people in a friendly clean environment that is up to date with the latest technology.
The treatment is performed in a luxury spa environment with no pain and no downtime. The Venus Legacy® is indicated for Anti-Aging, Skin Tightening, Wrinkle Reduction, Cellulite Reduction and Circumferential Reduction.  Although one treatment will yield results, it is normally recommended in a series.

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information visit
or call 561-655-6325
for a complimentary consultation.

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