The Brain Health Club

Successfully Improving Alzheimer’s, Dementia & Cognitive Impairment
The Brain Health ClubWEST PALM BEACH—The BrainHealth Club’s mission is to be the leading provider of evidence-based solutions for individuals who want to maintain and enhance their brain and body health. The BrainHealth Club was developed under the direction of an internationally acclaimed Scientific Advisory Board that includes experts in cognitive neurology, nutrition, neuropsychology and Alzheimer’s prevention. Their Scientific Advisory Board plays an active role in the club’s management and program development.
A few years ago there was a cognitive study
performed, the first of its kind, which incorporated an interventional methodology to take a multi-domain approach to dementia prevention. The trial called the FINGER Study was conducted over a two-year period in Finland by a team of healthcare providers.
With over 1200 participants, the randomized tests were done on a control group and a multi-domain intervention group. The control group was given regular health advice on a weekly basis, while the intervention group was given tactical exercise, diets and performance studies three to four times per week.
The multi-domain intervention group’s protocol consisted of:
• Dietary guidance
• Physical activity
• Cognitive training and socialization
• Intensive monitoring and management of metabolic and vascular risk factors
The conclusion of the study showed that it is possible to prevent cognitive decline through physical exercise, diet, cognitive training and socialization, and by lower metabolic risk factors.
The BrainHealth Club in West Palm Beach, Florida utilizes the same approach as the FINGER study, but at a more streamlined, personalized and assertive method for its participants.
The BrainHealth Club is a way to upgrade your mind and improve your brain health through targeted cognitive physical training, a customized nutrition plan, social activity, and metabolic risk factor monitoring and stabilization treatment.
Dementia and
Cognitive Issues Explained:
Most people know at least one person that has been affected by Alzheimer’s disease, but did you know that Alzheimer’s is the most common form of dementia. Many people just lump all dementias together under the Alzheimer’s umbrella, but there are significant differences and treatment options for each individual diagnosis. At the BrainHealth Club, they have specific assessments to work with on an individual basis.
The signs and symptoms of dementia are different for every patient, but common indicators are as follows:
• Forgetfulness, especially short-term memory
• Change in personality
• Agitation/Frustration
• Difficulty with daily tasks
• Social withdraw
• Sundowning/Sleeplessness/Restlessness, especially in the evening
You are not alone, if caught early; this progressive disease can be delayed through specifically advanced treatment options like diet, exercise and refining cognitive skills. Neurologists and other professionally trained practitioners are essential in putting the pieces back together. That’s where The BrainHealth Club will begin your tailored program to assist you in improving your cognitive health.
The BrainHealth Club’s Assessment
At The BrainHealth Club in West Palm Beach, Florida, they have spent years developing this evidence-based program designed to prevent and maintain cognitive health. This proprietary index score reflects the combined results of assessments across all six key areas of focus: cognitive performance, physical fitness, diet and nutrition, metabolic/vascular input, stress levels and mood, and sleep health.
Their cognitive evaluation uses scientifically proven tools to measure, analyze and assess 7 areas of brain tasks to the individual’s memory, thinking, attention and problem-solving capabilities. These tools are highly advanced yet very simple to use—no computer experience required! Their physical assessment includes a questionnaire and a direct evaluation by a BrainHealth coach.
The BrainHealth Club is not only designed for individuals with early stage dementia or Alzheimer’s diagnosis but also available for the worried well that want to improve and maintain the overall and physical performance. Their program establishes a specific plan for you regarding your nutritional needs, exercise, cognitive performance, sleep/stress health and socialization activities.
To find out more, please contact The BrainHealth Club at
1-(888)-MINDGYM (1-888-646-3496), or visit them at
The BrainHealth Club
4847 Fred Gladstone Drive
West Palm Beach, FL 33417
1-(888)-MINDGYM (1-888-646-3496)

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