MEDICAL MARIJUANAWhen we hear about individuals using medical marijuana or CBD oil, many people still don’t quite understand the science behind the “leaf”. With medical marijuana legal in 33 States and a growing list, adoption Medicinal Marijuana is becoming more and more commonplace. There are many studies purporting remarkable results in many conditions and disorders. And if you ask those that use the product or their physicians, the majority have seen equally impressive results.

Both using cannabis oil and smoking marijuana yield different medical benefits. Smoking cannabis has been useful in treating diseases like glaucoma and nausea. It can be used to alleviate chronic pain and may even help reduce the size or stop the growth of cancer, as well as stop the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. Cannabis oil is also used to treat cancer and nausea, but it can also improve sleep, protect the skin, combat stress and anxiety and promote heart health. Both may be used to treat symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), headaches and migraines. They may also be used to combat the symptoms of multiple sclerosis and premenstrual syndrome. Typically, the oil contains concentrated cannabinoid profiles for more potency, but many primarily include cannabidiol (CBD), which does not get people high. For this reason, some states allow children to take advantage of CBD oils for certain illnesses and conditions.

Recent studies have shown the following health benefits of CBD oil:
• Alleviates Seizures
• Controls & eases muscle spasm
• Anti-nausea
• Anti-psychotic
• Anti-tumor factors
• Brightens skin
• Cancer cell death
• Cancer cell growth inhibitor
• Fights viral infections
• Improves sleep
• Reduces anxiety
• Reduces beta-amyloid plaque
• Reduces cognitive impairment
• Reduces Seizures/anticonvulsant
• Reduces inflammation
• Relaxes organs and tissues
• Relieves pain
Qualifying Conditions for Medical Marijuana
• Cancer
• Epilepsy
• Glaucoma
• Seizures
• Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
• Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
• Crohn’s disease
• Parkinson’s disease
• Multiple sclerosis (MS)
• Chronic nonmalignant pain caused by a qualifying medical condition or that originates from a qualifying medical condition and persists beyond the usual course of that qualifying medical condition
• Patients can be considered for alternative disorders

How it Works
Throughout our bodies we have cannabinoid receptors, so our bodies naturally react to cannabis (medical marijuana). The structure of cannabis interacts directly with our cells. Our natural endocannabinoid system works synergistically with medical marijuana, creating a multitude of beneficial reactions in the body. The endocannabinoid cells have tiny receptors that take in chemicals and produce responses. This natural system in our bodies regulates things like mood, sleeping, immunity, pleasure, memory and much more.

History of Cannabidiol
Over 4000 years ago, Asian Emperors utilized cannabis for its healing properties, noting exceptional improvements in edema issues. In ancient Greece and Egypt, cannabis is reported in many manuscripts, describing its use for medical conditions such as eye disease, joint inflammation and as an anesthetic. Over 300 years ago, in one of Oxfords medical professional journals, it was touted as a means to reduce depression. Cannabis has even been reported to reduce the menstrual complications of Queen Victoria. In the early 1900’s, the United States began growing cannabis for pharmaceutical companies to formulate medications.

You Need A Certified
Medical Marijuana Physician
Because this is strictly for medical use, there are multiple regulations and protocols that physicians must adhere to when prescribing medical marijuana. Wellington CBD & Medicinal Marijuana Care is a Doctor Owned & Operated facility with an outstanding reputation of experience in CBD and THC Treatment.

Dr. Nicola Masse
Was born in England and moved to the United States with her parents and sister when she was 10 years old. They settled in Wellington, Florida where Dr Masse flourished in school. She remained in the top 5% in academics throughout her entire scholastic career. She is alumni to one of the first graduating classes from Wellington High School.

Staying close to home, Nicola went on to receive her Medical Degree from the University of Miami School of Medicine. She completed her residency in Pediatrics at Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami, Florida.

Nicola Masse M.D. is a Board-Certified Pediatrician practicing Pediatrics in Palm Beach County. She has treated and served two generations of our youth. She is an enthusiastic and professional physician with an unparalleled reputation for compassion and knowledge.

Three years ago, Dr. Masse switched her medical field from Pediatrics to Medicinal Marijuana. Her interest in medicinal marijuana was piqued in 2015 while doing research on CBD for an epileptic patient. Amazed by the results her focus turned to understanding more.

As I sat in Dr. Masse’s office for this interview, it was difficult not to notice her collection of files, books, and research papers which seemed to be in the thousand’s. I humorously questioned, “All this for smoking pot?” She replied, “There’s a lot more to medicinal marijuana than just smoking pot.”

Dr. Masse has completed extensive training and education. She is a credited member of AMMPA, American Medical Marijuana Physicians Association. Dr. Masse has Evaluated, Consulted, and Treated over 5000 Florida patients since 2017 and in May of this year, 2020, Nicola Masse M.D. opened a private practice solely in

CBD & Medicinal Marijuana care.

Contact Wellington CBD & Medicinal Marijuana Care Today!

10160 Forest Hill Blvd.
Suite 120 Wellington,
Fl. 33414

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