Top 7 Secrets For Improving Energy

By Ronna L. Clements,
Natural Health & Wellness Innovator
Top 7 Secrets For Improving EnergyIn today’s day and age, we can almost buy anything can’t we?  We want silver bullets and instant gratification. Whip out a credit card and “fix me up!”
Does this sound like you?
Unfortunately, there are certain things we can’t buy; happiness, love, good health, peace of mind and yes, energy. We can’t just pull into the gas station as say, “fill me up with energy for $3.99 a gallon.” We need to create our own energy.
I’d like to share my top seven secrets for improving energy. For every waking moment that we lose energy, we age at a quicker pace.
Secret One – Water
Water has no nutritional value and your body cannot produce it. Nonetheless, life itself and all energy production would come to an end without it. Water also helps the body rid itself of toxins so they can be eliminated which is extremely important. So, drink about one-half of your body weight in ounces of water per day or you will LOSE ENERGY.
Secret Two – Rest
Rest is an energy weapon and sound sleep is an old-age prescription for staying healthy.
You must force yourself to slow down at night and do things that allow for quality sleep. Try to do activities which promote “slowing down” such as reading a book, meditating or listening to calming music. A fully darkened room is needed to aid our sleep cycles, as well.
If you don’t get enough sleep you will LOSE ENERGY.
Secret Three – Sunlight
There is no better form of energy than the sun!
Sunlight deficiency will not only seriously limit your energy production, but it will compromise your health in other ways, as well. Many studies have shown a decrease in metabolism when individuals do not receive enough sunlight. Based on my research, correct sunlight exposure combined with proper diet will prevent the very same skins cancers that some say are caused by the sun. Sunlight also helps your skin tissue to make Vitamin D which is linked to energy production.
Embrace sunlight as it fuels and grows everything on our planet – including the human body. If you don’t get enough natural sunlight, you will LOSE ENERGY.
Secret Four – Food
Food is powerful and food will either help us or hurt us. If you wish to experience pure energy, you must consume pure energy.
To lead a vibrant life, you must eat a diet full of fresh fruits and vegetables. Our nervous system and brain are mostly comprised of fats and they make up compounds that are intricately involved in every function of the immune system. Without an adequate supply of fats in the diet, people could not maintain their mental and physical health. If you don’t eat at least 80% of foods that are natural, you will LOSE ENERGY.
Secret Five – Exercise Life is Motion.
The human body is meant to move. Our design is “motion design.” Let’s get moving!
The modern world is killing us – sitting at a desk, driving in a car, buying gadgets to do everything for us, watching TV. The list can go on and on.
Just get out and move – walk, run, stretch, cut the grass, trim the bushes, wash the car, play tennis. Whatever it is – just do it. If you don’t keep your body moving, you will LOSE ENERGY!
Secret Six – Breathing
How long can you hold your breath before you need to take in more air? Right – not very long. We need oxygen. We need to practice focusing on our breathing – deep diaphragmatic breathing. It’s elemental – like eating. You do it or else.
Obviously, since breathing is how we get oxygen, poor or incomplete breathing will dramatically affect our energy production in a way that nothing else can do for us.
Please educate yourself on the proper way to practice deep belly breathing or you will LOSE ENERGY.
Secret Seven – Stop Drinking Caffeine
After use and abuse of caffeine over time, your body will enter a state of exhaustion. Caffeine can push your adrenal glands so much that they won’t function very well and you won’t be able to maintain any energy at all. More caffeine just makes you more and more tired over the years and life becomes increasingly more difficult to handle.
I say go cold turkey on caffeine, your body will adjust and you will have MORE ENERGY. Substitute your morning java with freshly squeezed carrot juice with a little bit of fresh ginger and lemon. You’ll learn to appreciate the difference in how you feel.
Copyright © 2015 – Ronna Clements Corporation
All Rights Reserved
So there you have it – Ronna Clements Top 7 Secrets For Improving Energy.

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