Vitamins the More the Healthier? Not So Fast…

Vitamins the More the HealthierWe live in a super-sized culture. This truth is ever evident in how our nation views vitamin supplementation. The higher the dose the healthier – right? Well not so fast. Our bodies need vitamins, minerals and nutrients to survive and thrive. However, our immune system is precisely that – a system not a single entity. In order to function well we require balance and harmony. When we take vitamins and supplements in high doses – doses not found through natural plant based foods we are disrupting that balance and causing more harm than we may even realize.
Millions of people today are taking vitamin supplements to prevent nutritional deficiencies, believing that it actually compensates for poor eating habits and bad diets. The highest pound-to-pound vitamin consumers are fitness advocates, athletes, the sick and the elderly, who have been told that their vitamin requirements are higher than normal. What remains largely overlooked is one single fact: there is no evidence that people who take vitamin supplements are doing better than those who don’t. In fact, there are some indications that vitamin supplementation may actually shorten life span and may even increase cancer probability, such as in the case of synthetic vitamin E and beta carotene. As you’ll soon see, the evidence shows that vitamin supplements can become toxic to the body if they’re synthetically produced, taken in overly high unnatural dosages, and are not specifically depleted in your body. Recent research has highlighted the damage super size vitamin dosages can cause in the long term.
Vitamins C & E
Vitamins C an E supplements are commonly used together by many who want to improve health and athletic performance. However Dr. Paulson, a researcher at the Norwegian School of Sport Sciences (NIH) found that these supplements actually hinder muscle development and stamina during exercise. In fact, researchers found that the muscles’ natural ability to burn fat during endurance training is reduced with the intake of vitamin E and C supplements.  Researchers explain these vitamins act as an antioxidant and take away oxidative stress which blocks muscular endurance development.
Omega – 3
In one of the largest and longest studies to date, Dr. Emily Chew and team found that omega-3 supplementation did not protect against cognitive decline. While there is data supporting omage-3’s benefits in eye, brain and heart health this does not hold true for cognitive function decline associated with aging and dementia related disorders.
Fat Soluble Vitamins – A,E,D & K
Because these vitamins are fat soluble, they can be stored in fat cells and accumulate in the body creating high levels of toxicity over time, we tend to be a bit more aware of not over consuming these supplements.  Toxic side effects of excess fat soluble vitamins:
Vitamin A: abdominal pain, vomiting, headache, lethargy, eczema, patchy hair loss, edema, anemia, respiratory tract infection, chronic liver disease
Vitamin E: allergic reaction, breathing impairments, swelling of the tongue, fatigue, headache, nausea, blurred vision, excessive bleeding, increased hypertension, decreased life span
Vitamin K: supplementation with a synthetic form of vitamin K Menadione has been associated with liver damage. Some reports indicate a significant association between high intramuscular levels of vitamin K and cancer.
• Vitamin D: even though vitamin D poisoning is rare, toxicity can occur under certain medical conditions such as primary hyperparathyroidism, tuberculosis and lymphoma. Note that vitamin D is completely safe when produced by the body itself through UV sunlight exposure.
The B Vitamin Syndrome
B vitamins are popularly regarded has the powerhouse vitamins with claims to aid in energy, endurance, weight loss and stamina. However, B vitamin supplements in large concentrations are now gaining the reputation as risky substances. Most notably over supplementation on one B vitamin can cause depletion of other B vitamins, as well as toxic side effects.
Excessive vitamin B1 can deplete other B vitamins, disrupt insulin and thyroid production. Excessive vitamin B3 has shown to cause liver damage. Large niacin has also shown to adversely affect individuals who suffer from glaucoma, gout, liver disease and peptic ulcers. Note this dosage has been commonly prescribed today as an alternative medicine to lower cholesterol levels. Excess of synthetic vitamin B6, pyridoxine, has shown to cause liver damage when used in long term “therapeutic” dosages (over 200 mg/daily). These so-called therapeutic potencies of B6 are currently available over the counter in stores nationwide. Even folic acid, which is regarded as safe and highly beneficial, could turn to be toxic in high doses (5-10 mg) with symptoms including bloating, nausea and upset stomach. High dosages of folic acid may also result in increased occurrence of seizures among individuals suffering from epilepsy.
Let’s not throw the baby out with the bath water – not all vitamins & mineral supplementation is harmful. Actually, supplementing your diet with the specific vitamins and minerals your specific body needs can be life changing. Trying to read a Web Page, newsletter or relying on a layperson without the proper training, may have long term deleterious effects on your cellular health. The only way to get a more precise understanding of what your needs are specifically for you,is to have a comprehensive evaluation of your blood to start. Then other cellular function tests might be required. So where do you turn for the advice you can trust? Dr. Mitch Ghen is a South Florida doctor specializing in integrative medicine, and has been in practice for 37 years. He has dedicated his life to understanding the human body. He has spent a majority of his career understanding nutrition and vitamins and how they work with the human body. Dr. Mitch realizes the critical importance of educating people about understanding which vitamins work for their body chemistry. Dr. Mitch has trained thousands of doctors, and written four textbooks. He has his own nationally syndicated TV and radio show, and is the foremost expert on vitamins and nutrition. Dr. Mitch is one of the top 10 doctors in the world who specializes in this field. His practice focuses on getting people the correct vitamins they need for their individual bodies. Dr. Mitch Ghen is available to private consultation for those of us in Palm Beach County at Dr. Mitch’s Longevity & Wellness Institute. Contact his team to schedule your consultation today at 561-508-3095.
Dr. William Romanos is a renowned Palm Beach psychiatrist on the board at Jupiter Medical Center, professor at University of Miami, and former president of the Palm Beach Medical Society. He’s been a psychiatric consultant for the tri-county area for several decades. According to Dr. Romanos, “Dr. Mitch understands how to combine alternative and traditional medications. He does this through extensive blood and lab work, and review of your current medications. This ensures the optimization of the medication you’re on. It also ensures that there are no negative interactions. I can’t emphasize enough how important this is.”
Mary Dietz a Type 1 diabetic who suffered from heart disease, also suffered from leg and back pain and had difficulty walking. Mary consulted with Dr. Mitch, who ran a comprehensive panel of bloodwork and prescribed a regimen of vitamins and minerals catered specifically for her needs. Dietz is now walking without discomfort. According to Dietz, “I love Dr. Mitch. He has helped me 10 times over. He helped me come up with a treatment plan that was right for me, even though I had other issues such as diabetes and heart problems. It’s comforting to know someone like Dr. Mitch is there to help”.
Dr. Mitchell Ghen
The Doctor’s Doctor
Consultant to Physicians

1983 PGA Blvd., Suite 103 Palm Beach Gardens, FL
(On PGA b/w US 1 and Ellison-Wilson) •


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