What Do Your Eyes Tell the World?

In this month’s issue, we want to shine a light on ocular injury prevention. With the change of seasons and new allergens in the air ocular allergies are on the rise. The two main types of eye allergies are seasonal and perennial. Seasonal allergy symptoms occur during a particular pollen season and typically refer to outdoor allergens such as grasses, weeds, trees, and some mold. Perennial allergy symptoms occur year- round and typically refer to indoor allergens such as dust mites, animals and other insects, and some molds. October is Vision Awareness Month and at AllergywoRx we care about your eye’s health.

Approximately 50 million Americans suffer from some sort of allergic disorder. Allergies can affect the entire body, including the eyes, and may progress to more complicated allergic diseases, such as allergic asthma. The progress of allergic disorders is known as the Atopic March. Allergy screening is a quick and simple way to identify what is causing your allergies.

About 30%-50% of all U. S residents have some type of allergy symptoms and about 75% of those symptoms affect the eyes. Eyes are especially vulnerable to allergens and irritants. Ocular allergies or allergic conjunctivitis can cause itching, redness, lid swelling, tearing, light sensitivity, and swollen eyes. Allergic conjunctivitis occurs when your immune system reacts to a certain environmental substance as if it were harmful, resulting in bothersome symptoms.

What Can Help My Eye Allergies, you ask?
Getting tested for environmental allergies can help combat these symptoms and prevent injuries to the eyes. Our qualified and experienced telehealth physicians at AllergywoRx.org are here to guide you through the process. With a simple at-home allergy test you can be on your way to getting the relief you deserve.

Eye allergies don’t have to own your life. Assessing your symptoms will not only allow you and your doctor better understand your triggers but will provide our pharmacist with the necessary information to formulate the right allergy treatment to desensitize you gradually. Tailoring the allergidrops to your specific needs will not treat your symptoms but rather treat the cause. Prevention is key and our AllergywoRx program includes the screening, testing, and treatment plan for your environmental allergies – providing you with a one-stop allergy solution right in the comfort of your home.

For more information on how to get tested schedule your telehealth visit today at AllergywoRx.org.

Physicians Become a Provider!
In just 3 easy steps you could be on your way to generating additional revenue and with a turn-key allergy program while also providing positive patient outcomes! Our allergenic extracts are exclusively handled at allMedRx Specialty Pharmacy’s state – of – the – art USP <797> sterile compounding lab.
Complete our contact form at AllergywoRx.org or call us at 888-508-5110 to learn the simple steps to prescribe allergy immunotherapy.

Screen & test your patients: use our easy-to-administer, turn-key allergy test program (Environmental, Food, or Ocular Allergy Test Kit

Prescribe allergy treatment. Your patient’s allergy therapy will be prepared at AllMedRx Specialty Pharmacy’s state -of-the-art USP <797> sterile compounding lab.

AllMedRx Specialty Pharmacy

(888) 508-5110

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