What People Always Ask About Health, Wellness, and Longevity…

By Fred Steinberg, DVNS Master Trainer, The Facility for Personal Training As well as being the Owner of the Facility, Mr. Steinberg is a 64 year old fitness expert who has been on numerous radio talk shows, television, and has written many articles on fitness and health.
The Facility - Personal TrainingHow much time would I have to spend at a gym to stay healthy?
Recent studies have shown that just exercising 5 minutes every day of your life will result in 3 more years of longevity. That’s 1095 more days and nights to be with loved ones and enjoy life. It would take just a half hour twice, a week to stay fit, maintain mobility, and be able to maintain your balance. Besides longevity, losing the freedom to leave your home because of mobility loss is a nightmare, so preventing it by investing some time in exercise is essentially necessary. You have a 40% less likely chance to become ill if you are exercising regularly. It may be a better investment to invest in personal training than it is to invest in “co-pays!”
What is the most efficient way to get fit, especially safely?
Most people have no clue how to do an exercise properly, and science has proven that resistance training with weights is the ONLY way to ensure results, maintain muscle, and provide enough cardio for good health. Doing an exercise improperly causes injuries to knees, shoulders, elbows and hips. Incorrect form and doing the wrong exercise also means not obtaining results and wasting time. Having a personal trainer is the best way to exercise and train correctly and without getting injured and it is the most efficient way to achieve results. A trainer also provides motivation, if you know someone is waiting for you to train.
How do I select the right personal trainer?
Personal trainers are “certified,” but be careful. There is no governing board, no state licensing, and relatively little consistency among the 300 or more certifications. Testing and training ranges from a brief internet exam, to more comprehensive programs. It is impossible for the general public to understand in order to make a selection because there is little information to guide people. My recommendation is that you have a trainer with a four year college degree in Exercise Science or Kinesiology. Along with education, make sure the trainer has at least one or more years of experience in providing personal training full time at a personal training venue and not a “big-box” gym where the caliber of trainer and certification is significantly lower.
At The Facility, every in-house specialist has a 4 year college degree and many have post graduate work in physical therapy, chiropractic and athletic training. We can safely train injured clients, ranging from knees, shoulders, back issues, post-surgery issues, and Diabetes type II, as well as many other ailments.
Are there specific age management protocols for golfers and tennis players?
Take a look at Tiger Woods! There has been some very obvious personal training involved! You need muscle to play sports. Younger players build muscle for obvious reasons: power, velocity, stamina and strength. Older folks lose muscle every year, and nothing will have a more negative effect on playing a sport than muscle loss. Loss of power, loss of stamina, and loss of coordination and balance are impossible to overcome. It is not possible to support a skill-set as we age if there is not enough skeletal muscle mass to support the skills. That is pure science. Ignore it if you like, but you become a victim of the ageing process never-the-less!
The Facility has specialized athletic trainers who have actually gone to school and have learned how to specifically train ageing athletes, although we have trained many younger ones as well. We have Dr. Scott Hoar, a Sports Chiropractor that is T.P.I. Certified and begins with a Golf/Tennis Physical Screening that includes all the key muscles and areas involved in the respective sport. We have a PGA Certified golf Pro, Jesse Frank, who will work privately with each client at the course to improve the client’s game. Our combination of professionals and experts can actually work wonders on any golfer who would like to preserve or improve their game. You can choose to participate in the Facility’s comprehensive “Age Management for Golfers Program” or just choose to train with our professional athletic and golf certified trainers in order to get stronger and change the way you compete!
Do I still have to diet to lose weight?
Diets don’t work. As you eat less calories and lose weight, you also lose muscle. That makes you weaker. It also leaves you less muscle to burn calories, so the weight comes back with a vengeance. It is a combination of exercise and moderation that keep people fit and healthy…and alive! And walking! And driving cars! We’ll help you with all of this information with some one-on-one hands on coaching from experts at the Facility!
The Facility – Personal Training
1200 South Rogers Circle, Suite # 3
Boca Raton, Florida 33487
Phone: (561)997-UFIT

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