What’s your “2020 vision” for getting your anxiety and depression under control?

By Michael Cohen, Director and Chief of Neurotechnology
What’s your “2020 vision”  for getting your anxiety and  depression under control?How do you live the next decade in a better mood, handling stresses better, or sleeping consistently well?
There’s technology that helps you change your brain – that gives you hope that this decade will be different than the last. It’s called neurofeedback.
All is possible when your brain is balanced, “firing on all cylinders,” and better able to “switch gears” when life demands it.
More harmonious relationships? More success in school or at work? Get more done? Reduce the need for medications for anxiety, depression, sleep or attention?
Neurofeedback and biofeedback have been around for 50 years. It’s offered by therapists, psychiatrists, neurologists, chiropractors and other practitioners in the health care field who want a non-drug way to help their patients.
Concerned your situation is too complicated?
Our center has been using neurofeedback
and biofeedback for more than 20 years.Every brain is unique. We customize our program to every individual.
What is neurofeedback?
Neurofeedback is a non-invasive, non-drug way to help your brain become more flexible, stable and functional. It harnesses the power of the brain to change itself (neuroplasticity).
Sensors on your head measure your brainwaves (nothing goes into your head). A computer analyzes those brainwaves in real time, then “talks back” to your brain using customized sounds and images. This feedback promotes positive brain activity such as relaxation, focus and attention and encourages growth and improvement in the links and connections in the brain.
At the same time, the program discourages the type of brain activity which causes anxiety, depression or interferes with learning. With repetition, it’s easier for your brain to reach its desired state in order for you to feel better – all occurring while you relax!
Below are some common conditions
we work with:
Neurofeedback, when used in conjunction with nutritional supplements and, sometimes, our body biofeedback system (BioRegulation Therapy), trains your brain to calm and quiet itself and to stay calm, even in the face of your usual triggers. When your brain can stay calmer and “switch gears” appropriately (calm down when there’s no danger), there’s typically less need for medications, and you become better at handling situations and thoughts that trigger anxiety or panic.
The brains of people with depression need more “Up.” They’re too inwardly focused and find it hard to get out of themselves. You can train your brain to be more active, more externally focused and less stuck in thoughts that consume you. Neurofeedback training can help your brain be more flexible, less stuck and better able to respond and adapt appropriately to situations.
Sleep problems
There are no medications that teach you to sleep better on your own. The key to good sleep health is the brain being able to regulate itself.
“That’s something neurofeedback does really well, and I recommend it to many of my patients,” said Iza Boesler, M.D., a sleep medicine physician and Medical Advisor for Sleep at our center. “When it comes to sleeping, neurofeedback is priceless. It works far better, without side effects, than any prescription or non-prescription medication on the market. It allows the brain to calm down and engage in a natural sleep pattern.”
Attention challenges
Neurofeedback has been used on thousands of children (and adults) with attention issues, with remarkable results, some of it documented in published research studies.
In one study led by Vincent Monastra, Ph.D., 100 children, ages 6 to 19, who were diagnosed with ADHD, were treated with Ritalin and parent counseling. Fifty-one of those children also received EEG biofeedback. Significant improvement was observed among all participants during the study, but only those who received neurofeedback maintained those gains when the Ritalin was discontinued. In other words, the medication didn’t solve the underlying issue. Neurofeedback apparently did.
Chronic pain
Pain is a brain thing. One model suggests that over time, more and more of the brain starts focusing on pain signaling. Our BioRegulation Therapy uses body biofeedback, combined with neurofeedback, to help break that cycle and turn off the focus on pain.
BioRegulation Therapy has produced results with people who were “stuck in their pain” and unable to find other help. This technology seems to help the nervous system turn down out-of-control pain signaling – and greatly reduce pain. To learn more about whether you’re a good fit for this technology, call our office or look at our website under https://www.centerforbrain.com/conditions/chronic-pain/.
Who can do neurofeedback?
Children 3 or older and any adult – no matter their age.
What is the success rate of neurofeedback?
The success rate commonly quoted by clinicians and in published scientific research for neurofeedback for certain conditions is 75%-80%. However, more neurofeedback research needs to be done to accurately state efficacy rates.
That being said, certain conditions respond more quickly than others. Anxiety, sleep issues and migraines typically improve rapidly.
What are the risks of neurofeedback?
In over 50 years of usage, no long-term negative effects have been identified. Sometimes a person may notice a short-term increase in symptoms as the brain adjusts to a new pattern. This increase in symptoms usually goes away rapidly on its own or can be minimized easily by a trained clinician’s adjustment of the treatment protocol.
Can you do neurofeedback if you’re taking medication?
Intrigued? Want to know more?
The Center for Brain Training offers two ways to learn about neurofeedback – and both are completely free.
*Free consultation with me
*Monthly information meeting
(check our website for dates)
We welcome your calls, emails and texts, so get in touch today!
About the
Center for Brain Training
The Center for Brain Training is staffed by a team of compassionate professionals whose mission is to enhance the lives of people suffering from a variety of conditions that can be significantly improved with the help of neurofeedback and other brain technologies.
Michael Cohen Director and Chief of Neurotechnology
Michael Cohen is a leading expert in brain biofeedback. For over 20 years he’s worked with clients, taught courses and provided consulting to physicians and mental health professionals around the world, helping them incorporate into their practices new biofeedback technologies for chronic pain, anxiety and mood disorders, ADHD and neurological problems.
Center for Brain
Welltower Center
550 Heritage Drive, Suite 140
Jupiter, FL 33458

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