Worried About Getting the Flu?

Fight Back with High-Dose IV Vitamin Therapy!
By Bruce R. Dooley, M.D. –
Worried About Getting the FluThe dreaded flu season is here and with it the rapid spread of the H1N1 virus, which according to the Centers for Disease Control is now pervasive in 40 states, including Florida.  At our Advanced Natural Medicine center in Jupiter, FL, we help people help themselves by strengthening their immune system so they can resist “what’s going around.”  One of the most effective methods is through high-dose intravenous (IV) vitamin therapy, which can deliver far more germ-fighting power to the body than can be taken by mouth.  IV vitamin therapy, especially our Immune Booster Vitamin C, effectively fights bacteria and influenza and bolsters health, and for those who may already have succumbed to the “swine flu,” it can help give the body ammunition to fight its way back to wellness. Help your body resist illness with high-dose IV vitamin therapy. There is no wait for the appointment, the treatment is safe, and the cost is very affordable.
NutrientsDeliveredDirectly to Cells Through theBloodstream
These treatments are so effective because 100% of the vita­min/minerals infused by IV are delivered directly to the cells – which provide energy, immune protection  and make our nervous systems  work.  This is in contrast to supplements taken orally, which must be taken at lower dosages to avoid stomach upset, and often are poorly absorbed.  You may be shocked to learn that sewage treatment plants report that they remove TONS of undissolved vitamins from their treatment ponds every year. Literally money down the drain. Synthetic vitamins  and minerals are typically  delivered  in a packed tablet that does not dissolve in the stomach and thus pass right through the body. Of course this means that very little, if any, vitamins and minerals are absorbed  by the body.
High-Dose VitaminTherapy Effective for Many Common Health Concerns
Some of the many uses ofVitamin and Mineral IV infusions include:
• To stop the progression of colds and infections
• Improve energy and combat  fatigue
• Before and after surgery  to reduce stress and aid tissue healing
• Before air travel to resist infection and reduce jet lag
• Improve athletic performance
• Improve cancer outcomes
A U.S. Phase I clinical trial in February 2013 has shown that adding IV   Vitamin C in association with   a common chemotherapy drug for an aggressive type of cancer (pancre­ atic) extended patients’ average survival time to 12 months, compared to historical survival times of 5.65 months for such patients. More remarkable is that three of the patients were still alive at the end of the trial (two at 15 months, one at 29 months) which means overall survival could further increase. One pa­ tient had a remarkable 9-fold reduction in the size ofhis tumor.
Doctors and researchers at the University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine are looking to complementary, natural treatments as a means of improving cancer patients’ prognosis and IV Vitamin C has now done exactly that with remark­ able, clinically demonstrated results. Using 50 to 125 grams of vitamin C, patients were infused on a weekly cycle along with the standard chemotherapy  drug for pancreatic cancer being administered on a different day of the weekly cycle. The average treatment duration was six months (range: 60 to 556 days) during which patients lost an average of only 11 pounds, which is much less than expected. Side effects were minimal in this and in another study (see below).
In other human trials, this therapy  has been shown  to sig­ nificantly improve quality of life for breast cancer patients and for patients of multiple other cancers. In early 2013, an­ other study demonstrated that IV Vitamin C significantly reduced  inflammation  markers in 76% of cancer  patients, which is important  for a better prognosis. Just as impres­ sively, the same trial showed that IV Vitamin C decreased tumor markers in 77% of prostate cancer patients and 73% of breast cancer patients.
A 2011 study in Germany  is one more example, showing that IV Vitamin C markedly improves the quality of life for breast cancer patients. This study compared  breast cancer patients  receiving  IV Vitamin C and standard  therapy to­ gether, versus standard  therapy alone. Those receiving IV Vitamin C experienced a marked reduction (nearly 50%) in unpleasant symptoms  and chemo/radiotherapy side effects such as loss of appetite, fatigue, depression, sleep disorders, dizziness  and bleeding. Cli nical trials have not yet proven IV Vitamin C to shrink tumors, but that’s no reason for an oncologist  to reject this therapy. Improving  quality of life is also an important  goal of cancer treatment, and clinical experience shows IV Vitamin C does exactly that.
Proven ClinicalResults Backed by PositivePatient Outcomes
Such positive results are likely the reason why many thou­ sands of patients worldwide elect to be treated with this ther­ apy every year. Those considering IV Vitamin C therapy for any reason, including cancer, should keep in mind an impor­ tant lesson from other trials. Namely, patients who begin this therapy earlier tend to respond better, as do patients who un­ dergo more Vitamin C infusions.
With IV Vitamin C therapy shown to be effective against a formidable foe such as cancer, imagine the positive impact it can have on individuals with other forms of immune sys­ tem disorders.   Intravenous vitamin  therapy represents  an exciting  advancement in integrative  and functional  medi­ cine, allowing physicians to help patients prevent and treat a wide variety of conditions safely and effectively.
Bruce Dooley, M.D.
For 20 years, Bruce Dooley, M.D. has helped people with chronic health problems using the latest advances in Comple­ mentary and Integrative Medi­ cine, which emphasizes science-based natural therapies in place of surgery and prescription medications.
He brings these effective therapies- including IV Vitamin C — to the Jupiter area at his Advanced Natural Medicine center at 561-744-2724.

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