North Palm Beach Edition

Does Your Child Have an Anxiety Disorder?

Neurofeedback Helps Anxiety in Children without Medication By Michael Cohen Director and Chief of Neurotechnology Center for Brain Training It’s a startling fact: One in every 10 children has an anxiety disorder, and many of those children are being given powerful drugs to try to treat it. Anxious children are different from kids with normal fears Anxiety and fear are …

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Pot Crock? Marijuana has inspired many myths. Here’s the lowdown on what’s fact and what’s fiction.

By Craig Tomashoff Sit too close to the TV and you’ll ruin your eyesight. Go swimming less than an hour after eating and you’ll cramp up. Make a weird face and it’ll stick like that. Whether they were meant to terrify us or soothe us, these urban legends and many more have long been a part of our lives. So …

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October is National Audiology Awareness Month

By: Dana Luzon, Au.D., FAAA, Board-Certified Doctor of Audiology Hearing loss is an increasing health concern in this nation. Over 36 million American adults have some degree of hearing loss. That’s more than four times the amount of people who live in New York City. The statistics are shocking, and even more so knowing that more than half of those …

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Shedding Light on Alopecia Areata

By Alan J. Bauman, MD, ABHRS September is Alopecia Areata Awareness Month and it’s an important opportunity for those suffering from alopecia areata and other less common forms of hair loss, like cicatricial (scarring) alopecia, to get educated about effective new hair restoration options that can help. About Alopecia Areata According to the National Alopecia Areata Foundation, over 6.8 million …

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Sinus, Sinusitis and the Allergist

“My head hurts, my nose is stuffy and it runs like a faucet. I have sinusitis. ” From the desk of Dr. Walter M. Ryan, III But what is sinusitis. As with most terms in medicine – the “itis” ending means inflammation. Inflammation is a way for the body to protect itself, and help with the healing process. The inflammatory …

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The Sound Void: How Hearing Loss Sneaks Up on You

By Dana Luzon Coveney, Au.D. Board Certified Doctor of Audiology How Sound Works To begin with, it helps to understand how sound works. Most people think hearing loss is a question of volume. But that’s only part of the story. Sound is a combination of frequency (also called pitch) and intensity (also called loudness). Frequency Frequency measures how fast (or …

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Panic Attacks? Today’s Biofeedback Helps You Tackle Life Without Them

By Michael Cohen, Director and Chief of Neurotechnology Panic attacks can be debilitating. They can occur “out of the blue.” They cause intense fear or discomfort. They’re accompanied by physical symptoms – sweating, racing heart, stomach issues and tight chest and extremities. Do you or someone you love suffer from panic attacks? Do you live in daily fear that a …

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“Cut” your tub?

Why this easy, inexpensive project can add serious home safety One Day Bath’s TubcuT® adds convenience and protection for all ages When was the last time you faced the need for a home project that you knew would absolutely solve your problem and also go easy on your wallet? For most homeowners, there’s usually an endless list of modifications and …

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Benefits of Multi-Therapy Approach to Hair Loss

By Alan J. Bauman, MD, ABHRS August is National Hair Loss Awareness Month, which means it is a great time to become aware of and educated about the many tools and treatments available to help the 80 million Americans suffering from unwanted hair loss. Don’t be fooled, hair loss is more than a simple cosmetic problem, it is a medical …

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Half of American Adults Have Periodontal Disease: Are YOU One of Them?

Periodontal Disease

A Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) study revealed that one out of every two adults over the age of 30 has periodontal disease. The report revealed that 47% of these cases involve more advanced forms of the disease. In adults over the age of 65, 7 out of 10 individuals are likely to have periodontal disease. What is …

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