North Palm Beach Edition

Limb Swelling: Medicare Approved Treatment Options

By Alyssa Parker Pneumatic compression devices are one of the most highly recommended treatments for limb swelling and are a Medicare Medicare approved treatment option. Dating back to the 1960’s pneumatic compression pumps have been used for the treatment of limb swelling due to acute and chronic conditions. In most cases compression pumps are used for swelling associated with lymphedema …

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Seeking Hearing Help? The Cost of Quality

Written by Dr. Bettie Borton, Au.D., FAAA Presented by Dr. Dana Luzon, Au.D., FAAA So, you finally made and kept that appointment for a hearing evaluation. Congratulations! You took that all-important first step toward a better quality of life. First and foremost, be sure your hearing evaluation was done by an audiologist who holds board certification from the American Board …

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The Brain a Club – Successfully Improving Alzheimer’s, Dementia & Cognitive Impairment

WEST PALM BEACH—The BrainHealth Club’s mission is to be the leading provider of evidence-based solutions for individuals who want to maintain and enhance their brain and body health. The BrainHealth Club was developed under the direction of an internationally acclaimed Scientific Advisory Board that includes experts in cognitive neurology, nutrition, neuropsychology and Alzheimer’s prevention. Their Scientific Advisory Board plays an …

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Case Study: 6 Months of Post-Concussion Syndrome

By Dr. Jonathan Chung Post-concussion syndrome has become a big deal with more athletes showing concern about the risks of chronic brain injury. Recovery from a concussion usually takes about 7-10 days for most people but many will have symptoms that last 30 days or more. Our most recent case had post-concussion syndrome that lasted 6 months prior to visiting …

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Canabidiol—CBD—is a cannabis compound that has significant medical benefits, but does not make people feel “stoned” and can actually counteract the psycho activity of THC. The fact that CBD-rich cannabis is non-psychoactive makes it an appealing option for patients looking for relief from inflammation, pain, anxiety, psychosis, seizures, spasms, and other conditions without disconcerting feelings of lethargy or dysphoria. Scientific …

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Hair Loss? Optimal Hair Restoration Requires Early Action

It is estimated that about 80 million Americans, both men and women, are experiencing  some level of hair loss. That’s a quarter of the population. By age 50, nearly half of us will have thinning hair. Even more alarming is the fact that individuals can lose as much as 50% of their hair before hair loss even becomes noticeable. So …

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Do I Need A Periodontal Evaluation?

A recent major study reported that 1 in 2 adults over the age of 30 have periodontal disease. This may be even more important as periodontal disease has been linked to significant medical issues such as heart attacks, stroke, respiratory issues and even pre-term low birth weight babies. What is Periodontal Disease: Periodontal disease is a term that includes a …

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Acupuncture: The New Facelift?

What is Skin Rejuvenating Acupuncture? Skin Rejuvenating Acupuncture is an effective, safe, non-surgical treatment to reduce the signs of aging. It is a great natural alternative to Botox. It is based on the principles of Chinese Medicine which has been around for thousands of years. It involves the insertion of very thin disposable needles just under the skin’s surface on …

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Do You Have a Problem with Alcohol or Drugs?

By Ashley Miller, M.Ed, LMHC, CAP Chances are, if you think you have a problem with alcohol or drugs (prescription or recreational), you probably do. Honestly answer these questions to help assess your situation: 1. Have you felt you ought to cut down on your use? 2. Have people annoyed you by criticizing your use? 3. Have you felt bad …

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Osteopathic Medicine

By William H. Stager, DO, MS, MPH, FAAFP, FAAMA, FAAO, FACOFP dist. Osteopathy is a philosophy, art and science of medicine and healing. It is an innovative “American Original” system of diagnosis and treatment. Its principles are simply profound and inclusive of the best of science and healing, aiming at the whole person: body, mind and soul. Originating 150 years …

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