North Palm Beach Edition

Treating Hair Loss: The Second Opinion

By Alan J. Bauman, M.D. After discovering the dreaded first signs of hair loss, men and women often seek a ‘first opinion’ from a friend, family member, spouse, or even their hair stylist. But hair loss, like other medical conditions, must be addressed by a trained professional. One of the reasons for this is that unlike many medical conditions, the …

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miraDry – Don’t Sweat it!

By Daniela Dadurian, M.D. Ever been caught in a business meeting, presentation or even just a dinner date, and you’re secretly keeping in a condition that may be causing you to have anxiety in social settings? Well, millions of people are suffering from a condition called hyperhidrosis, also known as excessive underarm sweating.  The only relief for this condition has …

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October is National Audiology Awareness Month

Submitted by Dana Luzon, Au.D., CCC-A, FAAA Board Certified Doctor of Audiology The statistics are shocking and even more so knowing that over half of those 36 million Americans are under the age of 65.  Hearing loss is an increasing health concern in this nation.   Make an appointment with an audiologist this October during National Audiology Awareness Month. “Hearing …

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Vitamins the More the Healthier? Not So Fast…

We live in a super-sized culture. This truth is ever evident in how our nation views vitamin supplementation. The higher the dose the healthier – right? Well not so fast. Our bodies need vitamins, minerals and nutrients to survive and thrive. However, our immune system is precisely that – a system not a single entity. In order to function well …

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Is Your Qi Imbalanced? How Acupuncture Corrects Functional Flow and Increases Weight Loss

Patients have long touted the effectiveness of acupuncture for weight loss, and the scientific community finally agrees. Acupuncture for weight loss has often been questioned as to whether it is scientifically valid even though millions have had benefit from the effects of acupuncture for weight loss. However a recent metanalysis in the International Journal of Obesity proved that weight loss …

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How Super Oxygen can Change Your Life

By Dr. Steve Lanoff and Cyndi Menaker, LMT Ozone, as used in Super Oxygen Therapy, is a game changer in caring for your health and slowing the ageing process. If you have been looking for a way to look younger, feel younger and be younger…You’ve just found it! At the BiO2 Energy Zone, we help you get more energy through …

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Breast Cancer Facts

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. This is a very personal issue with me because I am a 7-year survivor of breast cancer. October is also the month of my cancer diagnosis. Every anniversary of my diagnosis is a reason to celebrate. Each year that I am able to walk in the Survivors’ Walk at Relay for Life is …

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A selfie is a photograph of yourself taken with a mobile phone or other handheld device, and uploaded to social media – Facbook, Instagam, Twtitter, etc. Personally, I am fascinated with the whole selfie concept. I wonder: do people think so much of themselves that they want others to look at them? Or do they think so little of themselves …

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5 Reason Why Women Lose Their Hair

By Alan J. Bauman, M.D. Here’s a fact that many people probably don’t know: by the age of 50, roughly half of all women experience some form of hair loss. That’s right – half. While most people tend to think of hair loss as a man’s problem, the reality is that women are almost just as likely as men to …

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Why Some Seniors Lose Their Hearing

Submitted by Dana Luzon, Au.D., CC-A, FAAA Written by Dr. Tami Ike, Au.D. Seniors and hearing loss Do you have difficulty hearing conversations in a noisy room? Do you constantly ask others to repeat what they just said? If you answered “yes” to these questions, you may be experiencing hearing loss — especially if you are age 65 or older. …

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