North Palm Beach Edition

The Healing Benefits of Broccoli

By Ronna L. Clements, Natural Health & Wellness Innovator Broccoli was grown in France and Italy in the sixteenth century, and it was not well known in this country until the early 1900’s when the D’Arrigo Brothers Company made a trial planting of Italian sprouting broccoli in California. A few crates were sent to Boston and by 1925 the market …

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April is Autism Awareness Month

What is Autism? • Autism is a bio-neurological developmental disability that generally appears before the age of 3. • Autism impacts the normal development of the brain in the areas of social interaction, communication skills, and cognitive function. Individuals with autism typically have difficulties in verbal and non-verbal communication, social interactions, and leisure or play activities. • Individuals with autism …

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Physical Activity Benefits More Than Your Body

By Carl McAloose We all remember having PE in school. I dare say that when asked what your favorite part of the school day was, many of us said “PE.” And why not? PE was fun. You got to play games, jump, run and best of all, you weren’t sitting at your desk. You got to burn off that extra …

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Concussions in Youth Sports

As the number of reported cases of traumatic brain injury (TBI) increases in professional sports, so too does awareness of concussions at the college and amateur levels. The NFL now takes helmet to helmet contact as a serious offense after coming under intense scrutiny for allowing players to reenter the game after sustaining brain jarring hits. Professional leagues have their …

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I Have A Wait Problem

Brent Myers You’re reading a health and wellness magazine and you’re thinking: that guy can’t spell. But the truth is that you read it correctly: I have a wait problem: I don’t like to wait. But who does? Think about it… do you like to wait? Do you love sitting in the waiting room at the doctor’s office? Do you …

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HOW Helps First Responders Who Suffer From Alcoholism

As civilians, we cannot fathom the trauma that those who serve our country go through (sometimes on an ongoing daily basis). Veterans experience trauma overseas, and our first responders experience it on our own soil. “Trauma” does not discriminate against who it affects (though recent studies are now indicating there is a genetic predisposition to developing post-traumatic stress). A high …

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In my neurological practice, the most common sleep disorder by far is Insomnia. Insomnia is generally defined as either difficulty initiating sleep, difficulty maintaining sleep, or early-morning awakening with inability to return sleep. In order to make the diagnosis of insomnia, there must be some impairment of daytime functioning. This may include fatigue, difficulty concentrating or memory impairment, mood disturbances …

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Chronic anxiety? Panic attacks? Wish it could just stop?

Have medications failed? Too many side effects? Maybe it’s time to consider the Biofeedback Solution By Michael Cohen, Founder, Center for Brain Feeling Overwhelmed? You don’t have to live with chronic anxiety anymore, and you don’t need to live with feelings of being overwhelmed or burned out.  There’s something new that can change how you feel and help you take …

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Skin Tightening Legacy

Skin laxity affects millions of people and doesn’t necessarily discriminate against race or age. Skin laxity can be a result of excessive weight loss, pregnancy, aging or simply genetics. Deciding whether to treat the issue or just let it be is a personal choice. The many options may weigh heavy for some and for others having an option is a …

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How Acupuncture Corrects Functional Flow and Increases Weight Loss

Patients have long touted the effectiveness of acupuncture for weight loss, and the scientific community finally agrees. Acupuncture for weight loss has often been questioned as to whether it is scientifically valid even though millions have had benefit from the effects of acupuncture for weight loss. However a recent metanalysis in the International Journal of Obesity proved that weight loss …

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