North Palm Beach Edition

What Is a Subconjunctival Hemorrhage?

By Lauren R. Rosecan, M.D., Ph.D., F.A.C.S. – A subconjunctival hemorrhage is similar to an ordinary bruise on the skin — it’s like a bruise of the eye. It usually appears as a single concentrated spot of red, or many scattered red splotches, on the white of the eye. The redness is blood under the conjunctiva, a clear membrane that …

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Love is in the hAIR!

By Alan J. Bauman, M.D. – When is the last time you showed your hair some love? Whether you are fighting dry hair during the winter months, or frizz during the summer, it is always good to reevaluate your beauty regimen to make sure you are giving your hair everything it needs to be thick, healthy and beautiful all year …

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Fitness Made Easy at Fitbella

Antoinette Montgomery, a married mother, and 62 years young shares her journey to fitness through Fitbella’s unique approach. Antoinette first took notice of Fitbella’s unique approach though an article in the Health & Wellness Magazine, and saw them again on TV.  “It seemed an intriguing approach to physical fitness and I just had to check it out.”  Antoinette is an …

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New Technology in the battle against Osteoporosis

You may already be aware of how vibration training can help drop a dress size, but did you also know that it could help fight the onset and progression of osteoporosis? Osteoporosis is a silent malady, a fragile bone condition that affects 44 million Americans causing more than 1.5 million fractures each year in the U.S. at a cost of …

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A Family Tradition

Family is at the core of the medical practice of Drs. Robert C. Greer IV  and Robert C. Greer V. The father and son duo specialize in family medicine at their offices in Lake Park, where they are continuing a tradition begun in the late 1950s by Dr. Robert C. Greer III. They’re joined by Kelli Greer, R.N., B.S., Practice …

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Treat your pain like a professional…

Integrative Medicine Meets Neuroscience to Manage Chronic Pain By Kathy A. Steffens, Creative Development & Resource Coordinator – “Chronic pain alone affects approximately 100 million U.S. adults. Pain reduces quality of life, affects specific population groups disparately, costs society at least $560 – 635 billion annually…” – Institute of Medicine, “Relieving Pain in America: A Blueprint for Transforming Prevention, Care, …

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The Skinny on the 14 day Paleo Cleanse…

By Dr. James McErlain, D.C. – There are literally thousands of cleanses on the market today.  All promising to detoxify the body, renew energy and help you drop a few pounds in the process.  However, all cleanses are not created equal, many are simply unsafe and place undue risks on the body.   The purpose of a cleanse is to detoxify …

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Worried About Getting the Flu?

Fight Back with High-Dose IV Vitamin Therapy! By Bruce R. Dooley, M.D. – The dreaded flu season is here and with it the rapid spread of the H1N1 virus, which according to the Centers for Disease Control is now pervasive in 40 states, including Florida.  At our Advanced Natural Medicine center in Jupiter, FL, we help people help themselves by …

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Why Do I Need My Companion at My Appointment?

By Kevin Amdahl, MS Brought to you by Dana Luzon Au.D. – This is something that a lot of our patients ask, and I’m more than happy to clarify. When any of our patients schedule, we always ask that they bring a spouse, significant other, or a close family member to the appointment for a variety of reasons: • There …

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Searching for the Fountain of Youth?

The verdict is in; we can’t just sit on our laurels any longer and expect to have long enjoyable lives.  The good news, the key to longevity and life enjoyment can be attained with relatively little investment of time – about 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week.  I spend more time on makeup and hair a day, so …

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