Neck pain can be debilitating. Pain can radiate from the neck to the back down the arms and sometimes even down to the hips and legs. Neck pain can create chronic and intense headaches. The neck itself can become stiff with a decreased range of motion where pain is often worsened with movement. 70% of individuals experience neck pain that …
Read More »South Palm Beach Edition
Ten Best Anti-Aging & Cosmetic Procedures for Men during Lunch
When you think of cosmetic procedures you generally think of something that’s of interest to women only, however, more and more men are interested in feeling and looking good. Sometimes men could be reluctant or shy to inquire about available cosmetic procedures. I would like to demystify my 10 favorite procedures that men can do without downtime that truly make …
Read More »I Have A Wait Problem
Brent Myers You’re reading a health and wellness magazine and you’re thinking: that guy can’t spell. But the truth is that you read it correctly: I have a wait problem: I don’t like to wait. But who does? Think about it… do you like to wait? Do you love sitting in the waiting room at the doctor’s office? Do you …
By Lauren R. Rosecan, M.D., Ph.D., F.A.C.S. The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a virus that causes the body’s immune system to break down. Your immune system fights off illness and infection and is very important for a healthy body. Once HIV is present in the body, it attacks important white blood cells in your immune system called lymphocytes, or …
Read More »“What’s Wrong With Me?” An Ounce of Prevention is Worth More than Two Pounds of Cure
By Diana Handwerker “Healthy Wholistic” We have all been there at one time or another…an unusual twinge or pain sparks the fear and you run to Google to find an answer for the symptom. The page opens and you discover that you might just have a terminal illness. The fear explodes within you and you call for a doctor. It’s …
Read More »I’ve Tried Everything… Why can't I Sleep
By Renee Chillcott, LMHC It’s 3:00 a.m. and you are awake and posting on social media again….WHY? Falling asleep and staying asleep is a nightmare and it seems to happen every night without rhyme or reason. You’ve tried everything from sleeping medication, natural teas to lavender baths and soft music but nothing seems to make falling and/or staying asleep any …
Read More »Your Happiness – What is the Cost?
Have you ever taken a moment to observe a child playing? With an empty box, or a metal pot, or some water and dirt they can create an adventure. They are naturally joyous. As we grow up, the cost of our happiness increases. We may route our happiness through earning an education, having a family, developing social relationships, or even …
Read More »Colorectal Cancer Awareness-Get Screened
Leslie H Perla MD FACP What is colorectal cancer? Colorectal cancer is a malignancy that can affect any portion of the lower gastrointestinal tract referred to as the colon and rectum. It is the second leading cause of cancer related death in the United States. About ninety three percent of the cases of colorectal cancer are diagnosed in individuals over …
Read More »Treating Chronic Neck Problems
Not all neck injuries or weakness create pain alone. Take it from Tish Kern who experienced an uncommon symptom, “I would wake up in the middle of the night with itching on both of my arms, it was horrible and nothing would help but ice”. Tish has always been active. Cheerleading, swimming, diving, volleyball, tennis, and running; at 65 she …
Read More »#BadHairDay…? Beyond Physical Symptoms; The Psychological Impact of Losing Your Hair
By Dr. Alan J. Bauman, Hair Loss Specialist Everyone is familiar with the common signs of hair loss… crown balding and receding of the hairline in men, as well as less volume and less coverage in women with more scalp shining through. But the physical symptoms like hair in your brush or sink are actually NOT the most worrisome aspect …
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