South Palm Beach Edition

Pterygia and South Florida

By David A. Goldman MD Apterygium is a fibrovascular growth that typically starts from the conjunctiva (skin of the eyeball) on the nasal side and grows onto the cornea. These are almost always the result of longtime sun exposure; thus, they are very common here in southern Florida. During my residency in Miami’s Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, there was literally …

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Have You Checked Your Hearing Lately?

Checked Your Hearing

January is the time for resolutions. Most of us resolve to exercise more, eat better and get those check-ups we’ve been delaying. As part of this focus on better health, checking your hearing should be part of your plan for 2024! Below is a 2022 press release introducing a new initiative to encourage people to get their hearing checked as …

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Promising Trends in Cancer Care

Cancer Care

The outlook for people diagnosed with cancer is becoming brighter all the time, thanks to a variety of ongoing advancements. Over 18 million cancer survivors are living in the U.S. today, according to the American Cancer Society. Increasingly, many of the nearly 2 million Americans who will be diagnosed with cancer this year will experience cancer more like a chronic …

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Hey, Santa, What’s Under Your Hat?

Hey, Santa, What’s Under Your Hat

(We Don’t Know, But We DO Know About Great Gifting) by Alan J. Bauman, MD, ABHRS Have you ever wondered why Santa Claus always wears a hat? Maybe it’s not just about keeping warm. Maybe Santa’s hiding a secret. Perhaps he’s lost his hair and is embarrassed. Or maybe he’s too busy stuffing his bag with goodies to take care …

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The Play for 2023? International Stocks!

International Stocks

By Chris Rowe I sent a special briefing to our flagship Sector Focus members. In it, I give them everything they’ll need to know to stay well ahead of other investors at least for the first half of this year. And while I can’t reveal all of that here, I think that the main points are so important that you …

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The Arrival

Do you ever find yourself in what seems like a hopeless situation? Is your life so hectic that you wish for just a moment of peace? Do you wish you laughed more, stopped to smell the roses, and enjoyed life more easily? Are relationships in your life broken – do you long for love? If you answered “yes” to any …

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NON SURGICAL SPINAL CARE – Do you suffer from herniated or bulging discs?

spinal care

Non surgical spinal decompression is a procedure delivered by a computerized medical device, which gently reduces the pressure on specifically targeted discs, releasing any pinched nerves and relieving chronic back and neck pain. The gentle stretch and release protocols create a vacuum effect to encourage retraction and repositioning of any bulging or herniated disc material to its original position, giving …

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Enjoy a Spontaneous Sex Life Again – Heal at the speed of LIGHT & SOUND Rekindle the Spark!

Spontaneous Sex

NEW 1st-of-it’s-kind potential cure for Erectile Dysfunction & Peryonie’s combining Shockwave & Laser over 95% Success Simply Men’s Health is quickly grabbing attention as Boca Raton’s #1 Men’s Sexual Health Clinic & leader in the field. In 2015, Dr. Joan Katz, a Harvard-trained physician and owner of Simply Men’s Health was the first to introduce ED shockwave and revolutionized the …

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Stomach Cancer

Stomach Cancer

Stomach cancer, or gastric cancer, accounts for less than two percent of all new cancers diagnosed in the U.S. annually. It primarily affects older adults; 68 is the average age of diagnosis. According to the American Cancer Society, the lifetime risk of developing stomach cancer is higher in men (about 1 in 96) than in women (about 1 in 152). …

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Giving Thanks for the Amazing Science of Hair Restoration There’s Never Been a Better Time to Address Hair Loss

by Alan J. Bauman, MD, ABHRS Each year, when November rolls around, we’re reminded by TV shows and movies, advertisements, and messages in our houses of worship and within our own families that there’s always something to be grateful for. As a physician, I feel a great deal of gratitude for the astounding medical advances that have given us longer, …

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