South Palm Beach Edition

Look Beyond The Scale

Losing weight is sometimes a difficult battle, chances are many of us have tried many different weight loss programs and may have even had some luck with losing a few pounds. Most have had a really hard time keeping it off long term. A weight loss program that incorporates as many scientific tools as possible helps optimize long-term weight loss …

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What Is a Subconjunctival Hemorrhage?

By Lauren R. Rosecan, M.D., Ph.D., F.A.C.S. A subconjunctival hemorrhage is similar to an ordinary bruise on the skin — it’s like a bruise of the eye. It usually appears as a single, concentrated spot of red, or many scattered red splotches, on the white of the eye. The redness is blood under the conjunctiva, a clear membrane that covers …

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Is Your Qi Ballanced? How Acupuncture Corrects Functional Flow and Increases Weight Loss

Patients have long touted the effectiveness of acupuncture for weight loss, and the scientific community finally agrees. Acupuncture for weight loss has often been questioned as to whether it is scientifically valid even though millions have had benefit from the effects of acupuncture for weight loss. However a recent metanalysis in the International Journal of Obesity proved that weight loss …

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Afraid of Falling? LifeCall® FallAlertTM Helps Reduce Your Fear of Falling

Sherwood David Graham The National Council on Aging reports that falls are the number one reason why seniors lose their independence – because they are the leading cause of injury and even death among older adults. This year one in three adults age 65 and older will fall, and two-thirds of those will experience another fall in the following six …

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Are Stem Cells the Next Penicillin?

By David Ebner, Staff Writer Chances are that you have heard about stem cells—they have been in the news for years. But did you know that stem cells are being used right now in the United States to treat debilitating lung diseases? Sufferers of diseases like COPD, pulmonary fibrosis, emphysema and interstitial lung disease are receiving life changing stem cell …

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All You Need is Love

By Brent Myers In 1967 the Beatles released a song titled “All We Need Is Love” which sat atop Billboard’s charts for eleven consecutive weeks. Their manager at the time stated, “… they really wanted to give the world a message… it is a clear message saying that love is everything.” In fact, the simple chorus repeats the words: “all …

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Pterygia and South Florida

By David A. Goldman MD Apterygium is a fibrovascular growth that typically starts from the conjunctiva (skin of the eyeball) on the nasal side and grows onto the cornea. These are almost always the result of longtime sun exposure; thus, they are very common here in southern Florida. During my residency in Miami’s Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, there was literally …

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SHOULDER INSTABILITY and its Link to Sports Injuries and Arthritis

Popular sports in south Florida, like tennis, golf, and swimming, require a delicate balance of shoulder mobility and stability in order to meet the demands of the sport. The way shoulder pain is addressed can mean the difference between a good game and a great game, or having to give up the game all together. SHOULDER MOBILITY HOW MUCH IS TOO …

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Happiness and hearing aids: Is there a connection?

Perhaps. In fact, a recent Italian study published in Geriatrics & Gerontology International concluded that the benefits of digital hearing aids in relation to depressive symptoms, general health and social interactivity, but also in the caregiver-patient relationship, were clearly shown. In fact, reduction in depressive symptoms and improved quality of life at statistically significant levels were observed early on with …

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Is Your New Year’s Diet Behind Your Hair Loss?

According to some estimates, half of us gained at least one pound between Thanksgiving and New Year’s, which may not seem that bad, until you consider that another 10 percent put on four or more pounds – weight which takes an average of four to six months to lose. This may explain why consumers go to extreme lengths to shed …

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