South Palm Beach Edition


Heart disease and stroke are the #1 and #4 causes of death in America respectively. One can cut his/her risk of developing both of these conditions dramatically simply by exercising regularly. Your heart is a muscle, and the more you exercise it, the stronger it becomes, and the less likely you are to develop heart disease. Becoming more active doesn’t mean becoming a marathon runner overnight The American Heart …

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Tame that Ringing in your Ears and Rock On, Boomers

Bob Dylan. The Rolling Stones. Led Zeppelin. Music helped define an entire generation of baby boomers. It expressed their fresh world view and energized them as they set the world in a new direction. But if you’re like many from this music-filled, life-embracing generation, then some of that old time rock and roll may still be ringing in your ears. …

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Mobilizing Your Health: Empowering Your World The Future of Your Health is in Your Hands

“As personal tech continues to advance at lightening speeds, we can utilize personal tech and the applications it provides us with to enable a change in the health-care paradigm, one that evolves from treating illness to one that prevents illness while enabling personalized, individual health and human potential”. A highly evolved participatory and interactive integrated catalyst media center and events …

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Sorting out the Stem Cell Confusion

By Dr. Dipnarine Maharaj M.D., MB, ChB, FRCP (Glasgow), FRCP (Edinburgh), FRCPath., FACP Open up a news site online and you are bound to see at least one story on stem cells.  Just today I saw that stem cells from teeth can be used to treat dementia, breast milk stem cells could heal disease, and plant stem cells are the …

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Treating Hair Loss During Menopause

By Dr. Alan J. Bauman So what can you do about hair loss during and following menopause? Hair restoration physicians may recommend pharmaceutical/medical treatments along with lifestyle changes to women experiencing menopause-related hair loss problems. • Medical Treatments: Medical treatments that will help mitigate hair loss include a specially compounded prescription minoxidil solution called Formula 82M, platelet-rich plasma injections (PRP, …

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Prostate Cancer and PSA Screening

Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer (after skin) among men in the United States. The American Cancer Society estimates that one in six will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in his lifetime, which amounts to approximately 240,890 new cases every year. Fortunately, the disease is very treatable if found early: It has a nearly 100% five-year survival rate …

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Are You at Risk for Developing Stomach Ulcers?

By Daniel Lindenberg, MD, PA If you think stress, spicy foods, or alcohol causes the majority of stomach ulcers you would be among the majority of Americans…you would also be wrong. A small spiral shaped bacterium commonly found in the stomach H. pylori is responsible of 80% of stomach ulcers and 90% of ulcers in the upper end of the …

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Freezing FAT

By Daniela Dadurian, M.D. There are so many ways to lose weight and more so, so many diets out there to choose from. Yet so many people struggle with their shape and bulges that don’t seem to go away despite all the diet and exercise.  There are a lot of factors that contribute to a person not being able to …

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If You Think Medical Insurance Is Designed to Keep You Healthy, Better Think Again! If You Think Medical Insurance Is Designed to Keep You Healthy, Better Think Again! What It Really Does Is Provide for ‘Sick Care’

It is comforting to know that we have medical insurance when we get sick. It does not work well unless you get sick. We are fortunate that medical insurance today covers many screening procedures that allow earlier detection and a better chance to control a disease or even achieve a cure. Oddly, not many take advantage of these due to …

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The Apple – The Power of Restoring Youth

By Ronna L. Clements, Natural Health& Wellness Innovator One of the very first things we learn is the alphabet and almost always, “A is for Apple.” The apple has been around for so long that it can be called the first fruit.  Hieroglyphic writings found in the pyramids and tombs of the ancient Egyptians indicate that they used the apple …

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