South Palm Beach Edition

New Hope For Migraine Sufferers

By Dr. Kevin Davine – If you have ever suffered from migraines, then you know just how debilitating they can be.  Besides the intense pain they cause, migraines will interfere with every aspect of your life.  And many don’t realize that 80% of chronic migraine sufferers will have a stroke at some point in their life.  Unfortunately, up until this …

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Don't Live with Chronic Anxiety

A powerful, drug-free method and technology can help – often dramatically. By Renee Chillcott, LMHC and Michael Cohen, Founder, CBT Do you or someone you know experience chronic anxiety? Are you excessively nervous or fearful? Do you have panic attacks?  If so, you’ve probably already tried or considered medications. Unfortunately, medications don’t always eliminate all the symptoms, and they can …

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Oral Habits and their Dental Effects

By Dr. Minelle Tendler, DMD – Oral habits, including the use of the pacifier, finger sucking, teeth grinding (bruxism), and nail biting, are extremely common in children and are often a source of concern for many parents. Pediatricians, pediatric dentists and orthodontists are commonly approached for recommendations on how to eliminate the habit.  Taking a closer look to the nature …

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National Nutrition Month

By Kimberly Marrone L.Ac, AP – We are 8 weeks into the New Year, and many of us have made New Year’s Resolutions to lose weight and improve our health, as we have made in many of the past years. Research tells us that even if we lose the weight we want, in a year or two, it will be …

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Alternative Health Options The New Path to Wellness

More and more people in the U.S. A. and around the globe are seeing alternative ways to help the body, mind and soul. The Internet has allowed information to be shared and spread – so the bad news about pharmaceutical drugs, for example, is out – and the benefits of many things that we find in nature are becoming more …

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Untreated Heartburn Can Lead to Long-term Damage and Health Problems

By Daniel Lindenberg, MD, PA – We have all experienced heartburn or acid reflux periodically. When is it time to seek professional help? Acid reflux is a normal physiologic process where the gastric contents of the stomach back up into the esophagus. When heartburn occurs infrequently, less than once a week, a simple over the counter antacid can work well. …

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The Cornea

By David A. Goldman MD – Although people may have heard the word ‘cornea’ in reference to the eye, many are unaware of what is really refers to.  While diseases such as glaucoma and macular degeneration affect the back of the eye, the cornea is in the front of the eye. In fact, the cornea is the most anterior structure …

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Spring (Change) is in the Air

By Brent Myers, Pastor of Community Life – Spring ushers in a new season. It signals the end of “winter” and the beginning of something new. Spring brings new flowers, warmer temperatures, greener grass, and another baseball season. Spring also brings another ritual for many people: cleaning. Yep – good ol’ fashioned spring cleaning. “Out with the old and in …

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By Dr. Tred Rissacher – According to European studies, laser treatments really do stimulate weight loss.  While laser weight loss has been used throughout Europe for decades, it’s fairly new to the United States. But now, many doctors and other qualified medical professionals, who have dropped weight themselves, are believers in the benefits of laser therapy for weight loss. Dr …

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What Is a Subconjunctival Hemorrhage?

By Lauren R. Rosecan, M.D., Ph.D., F.A.C.S. – A subconjunctival hemorrhage is similar to an ordinary bruise on the skin — it’s like a bruise of the eye. It usually appears as a single concentrated spot of red, or many scattered red splotches, on the white of the eye. The redness is blood under the conjunctiva, a clear membrane that …

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