Diabetes and Hearing Loss – is there a link?

Submitted by Dr. Dana Luzon, Au.D CC-A, FAAA
Written by Dr. Tami Ike, Au.D
Diabetes and Hearing LossNo question about it, diabetes is in the news — and not in a good way. Considered by many healthcare providers to be the biggest epidemic of the 21st century, diabetes is affecting more and more Americans at an alarming rate.
According to the American Diabetes Association, 30 million Americans have diabetes, and 34.5 million have some form of hearing loss, which makes them two of the most prevalent health concerns in the country. Understanding the risks associated with both diabetes and hearing loss is important in preventing any further complications from occurring.
Recent studies by the National Institutes of Health show a strong and consistent link between hearing impairment and diabetes, with people with diabetes being twice as likely to have hearing loss. While the exact cause is still uncertain, experts believe that high blood-sugar levels could damage the nerves and blood vessels of the inner ear in the same way they damage the eyes or the kidneys.
If you or a loved one has diabetes or prediabetes (on the cusp of developing full-blown diabetes), be particularly conscious of the fact that you could be more at risk for hearing loss. Familiarizing yourself with the symptoms of hearing loss and scheduling routine hearing checkups could help you catch hearing loss before it progresses too far. Audiologists recommend having your hearing checked regularly, much like an annual physical. Since hearing loss usually occurs gradually over time, the person experiencing it sometimes doesn’t even realize it’s happening. In many cases, family or friends notice a person’s hearing loss first.
Many forms of hearing loss can be improved with hearing aids, but experts estimate that only one in five Americans who could benefit from them wear them.
If you have other conditions that are linked to hearing loss and notice your hearing has been worse than usual, call us today.
Familiarizing yourself with the symptoms of hearing loss and scheduling routine hearing checkups could help you catch hearing loss before it progresses too far. Audiologists recommend having your hearing checked regularly, much like an annual physical.
Dana Luzon, Au.D., CCC-A, FAA, Doctor of Audiology
Originally from Southern NJ, Dana Luzon received her undergraduate degree in Speech Pathology and Audiology from the Richard Stockton College of NJ, and continued on to receive her Doctorate of Audiology at Salus University’s residential program. Her varied clinical experiences throughout her doctoral studies include: VA hospitals, rehabilitation clinics, ENT and private practice settings. Her professional interests include: audiologic rehabilitation and progressive tinnitus devices. Her interests in the field outside of the clinic include: Humanitarian Audiology, and Audiology Awareness. Dr. Luzon currently lives in West Palm Beach, FL.
Audiology & Hearing Aids
4266 Northlake Blvd
Palm Beach Gardens,
FL 33410

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