Feel like You’ve Tried Everything?
Your Doctor Doesn’t Know
What Else to Do?
Medication Not a Good Solution?
By Mike Cohen, Director. Center for Brain
You don’t have to struggle with chronic pain for the rest of your life
If you’re reading this, you’re probably desperately seeking a solution for chronic pain. You’ve likely sought help from several healthcare professionals, tried medications, pursued yoga or chiropractic or maybe even seen a mental health professional in case “it’s all in your head.”
You may be wondering: Will I have to live with chronic pain for the rest of my life?
The answer is NO.
With the help of BioRegulation Therapy (BRT)…
You can retrain your nervous system to reduce pain.
You’ve heard it before. Some great new machine or procedure will solve your problem or reduce your pain. Then… it doesn’t live up to its promises.
At Center for Brain you’ll never be offered a treatment that we haven’t thoroughly investigated and tested, no matter how good it sounds
in theory.
In 2013 we learned of BRT being used in Europe with great success. We were cautiously optimistic about its potential for our practice. However, we’ve built a solid reputation in South Florida for providing dependable, effective non-drug therapies such as neurofeedback that really do help patients with chronic pain (and other disorders such as anxiety and insomnia) who haven’t responded to conventional treatments.
To be incorporated into our sophisticated toolbox, BRT had to meet my very stringent criteria (which few of the dozens of technologies I’ve evaluated over the years have): (1) Does it work consistently, beyond a doubt, with complicated, chronic, treatment-resistant cases? (2) And do results sustain over time?
To find out I put it to the test for six weeks – with some very difficult chronic cases, including this one:
A 37-year-old woman had suffered for ten years with daily headaches and chronic back and neck pain. Just getting out of bed triggered severe pain throughout her body. She was unable to lift anything, turn her neck or lift her constantly-stiff and painful shoulders. After undergoing one session, she reported for five days that she had been able to get out of bed easily for the first time in years, had had no headaches and had 70 percent improvement in her pain. (Author’s note: Despite expecting some sort of improvement, the extent of her response surprised us. Over time we’ve seen other equally-impressive results, although usually it takes more than one session. The client needed more sessions to produce sustained progress, but the amount of change in one session was remarkable – and gave an indication of what was possible).
With the results we saw with this client and others during our six-week trial, we committed to invest in the technology. Consistent results are, after all, the only thing that counts with pain.
We refined how to combine the treatments with our neurofeedback tools and have seen our clients improve to an extent that astounded us. Frankly, after more than a decade of searching for a new technology to complement or enhance the benefits of our neurofeedback technology, BRT revolutionized how Center for Brain treats chronic pain.
We can’t say how long it will take for any given individual to see results, or even guarantee that you’ll get results at all, but in the two years that we’ve been providing BRT, at least 75 percent of our clients have reported consistent improvement, and even more improvement when combined with neurofeedback. In complicated chronic cases, pain reduction often occurs in as little as one session but more commonly in six sessions.
Here are two more of our success stories:
A client had been plagued by chronic back pain since the age of 16. She tried many solutions, eventually seeking help from a pain doctor and becoming addicted to pain medication. She was confined to her bed and couch three to four days a week and struggled to get anything done. After four bioregulation treatments over the course of a month, she reported an 80% reduction in pain and a significant reduction in pain medications. After two more sessions she discontinued her pain medications and resumed normal life, including working in her yard. One year later she was still pain- and pain medication-free.
A woman had 40 years of chronic headaches, neck and back pain she attributed to a car accident at age 19. She had seen more than 50 healthcare specialists, including neurologists, chiropractors and acupuncturists, without any relief. After four sessions she reported significantly reduced pain, and after a month she had had no headaches and reported a 75% reduction of her pain.
What is
BioRegulation Therapy has its roots in acupuncture but with the added advantage of modern-day technology. It’s a body balancing method whereby a computerized machine reads the electrical impulses (frequencies) being emitted by the cells in your body. It filters out the disharmonic “unhealthy” vibrations that interfere with optimal cell communication (and thus interfere with their optimal functioning), amplifies the “healthy” harmonic frequencies, and sends them back to the cells. These harmonic frequencies “invigorate” the cells and encourage them to function the way they are supposed to.
Once the cells are doing their jobs better, the nervous system calms down and pain signals, which have become magnified over time, diminish.
All you have to do is recline on a comfortable chair or table in one of our pleasantly-decorated treatment rooms and relax. Our computer does the rest. You feel nothing during your treatment.
Why You Might Not Have Heard
from Your Doctor
Because BioRegulation Therapy is a non-drug treatment for pain, many doctors and other health professionals are unaware of the technology and its effectiveness. In the United States, our health culture is centered on drugs. Therefore other approaches, even though they are effective, are often overlooked because they lack large promotional budgets such as those of pharmaceutical companies.
Important things to know about us before turning to Center for Brain for help:
• We see you as a person in distress,not a “patient” or a “case.”
• We believe you when you say you’re hurting.
• We listen to you. With care and compassion. Without judgment.
• We ask a lot of questions to get to know who you are and what makes your problem unique.
• In addition to BioRegulation therapy, we have an array of other specialized tools designed to help re-program your out-of-whack electrical signals that are at the root of chronic pain.
• We take a holistic approach to your healing by offering complementary modalities, such as nutrition and counseling, available from our team of highly-credentialed specialists.
You have nothing to lose but your pain by calling Center for Brain to learn more about chronic pain treatments at (561) 744-7616 or visit www.CenterforBrain.com.
Take your first step toward pain relief by calling today.
Michael Cohen,
President and Founder of the Center for Brain.
He’s one of the leading experts in brain biofeedback. For 18 years, he’s taught courses and provided consulting to MD’s and mental health professionals around the world to help incorporate new biofeedback technologies that help individuals adapt and strengthen their nervous system through neuroplasticity. This helps sleep, mood, attention and neurological function.
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