How to Detoxify and Lose Inches

Lose InchesMany people know that toxins are at the root of many diseases. Yet toxins also impact weight management.
Excess toxins are stored in fatty tissue and accumulate in fat cells, adding to body mass. A healthy lifestyle helps prevent toxic overload. Avoiding and eliminating toxins isn’t complicated; there are many natural, free and inexpensive ways to detoxify and lose inches.
Impact of toxins
Excess toxins are stored in fat cells. The more fat cells available, the greater the ability to retain toxins. Water-soluble toxins require water to break down; their presence triggers the brain to retain water. The presence of fat-soluble toxins prompts the brain to send signals to retain fat so the body can break these down. However, when there are more toxins in the body than it can process, water and fat retention follow adding both pounds and bulk.
How to avoid and eliminate toxins
Avoid non-organic and GMO food! Assume that non-organic produce and meat have been grown with pesticides and antibiotics. Use a vegetable wash on non-organic produce to remove toxic substances.
Completely eliminate trans fats, also known as hydrogenated oils, from your diet. This includes food made with them.
Toxic ingredients abound in beauty and household products. Get educated on common, toxic ingredients in routinely-used products. Become an avid label reader and eliminate products containing toxic ingredients.
Throughout the United States, cities add noxious chemicals including chlorine and fluoride to drinking water. For children and the elderly in particular, these are especially harmful!
Ways to eliminate toxins
Eat bioflavonoid-rich foods to dilate the lymphatic system and make carrying toxic waste to the liver easier. Bioflavonoid rich foods include citrus, brussel sprouts, broccoli and spinach.
Consume raw, unpasteurized, and fermented foods. Pasteurized foods lack beneficial enzymes. Raw foods are loaded with enzymes and aid digestion. Fermented foods, like kimchi and sauerkraut, restore good flora in the gut.
Since the body cannot produce minerals, they must come from other sources. The Standard American Diet is vastly deficient in minerals, primarily as a result of commercially-grown food. Industrial farming practices deplete the soil of nutrients; nutrient-deficient soil results in nutrient-deficient plants and animals. Minerals help with detoxification. Foods rich in minerals and vitamins include colorful fruits and vegetables, and dark leafy greens.
An easy habit to adopt is drinking fresh-squeezed lemon juice in water upon rising and throughout the day. Unless the citrus is organic, be sure to wash the fruit before adding it to water with the skin on. Studies have shown many such fruits are contaminated with bacteria picked up during the harvesting process.
Increasing your fiber intake aids in detoxification. Fiber brushes the colon and absorbs bile, which is used by the liver to break down fat. Lacking fiber, bile is not absorbed and toxins are reabsorbed by tissue.
The skin is important in helping the body to purge itself of toxins. By sloughing off dead skin and increasing circulation, dry skin brushing moves toxins through the body. This is accomplished by stimulating the lymphatic system, one of the body’s key detoxification systems.
Lymphatic Decongestive Therapy with the XP-2 machine is the best and quickest way to detox your body. This process breaks up the congested lymph fluid by dissolving it into the milky fluid that it is supposed to be, allowing transportation of nutrients to the body and disposal of waste through the body’s natural processes of elimination. This instrument creates results that are ten times more effective than other lymphatic therapies.
About the Author:
Susan Allen is a Certified Lymphatic Therapist who owns and operates HoriZen Therapies.
At HoriZen Therapies, we are focused on your well-being. Our goal is to provide the latest, most effective and valued healing therapies to our clients, and assist them in their quest for optimum health and wellness. Please contact us if you have any questions or wish to schedule an appointment.
Sources for this article include:
The Fiber 35 Diet, B. Watson, CNC
The Fat Flush Plan, A. L. Gittleman, MS CNS
Call today for an appointment
2799 N.W. Boca Raton Blvd. Suite 201, Boca Raton, FL 33431

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