The Most Feared Word in the English Dictionary…

This year alone, over 1.7 million Americans will be told that they “have” CANCER and 33% of those people will die. Every 30 seconds somebody is diagnosed with cancer.

Cancer Prevention Class

Cancer Prevention Class
October 21
Elevation Health of Jupiter
240 W Indiantown Rd. Suite 107

Do you know that most people ignore the very symptoms that, if listened to, could potentially save their lives?

This year alone, over 1.7 million Americans will be told that they “have”CANCER and 33% of those people will die. Every 30 seconds somebody is diagnosed with cancer. And the numbers continue to grow worse with each passing year, despite more medical inventions and technology promising early detection. It is a known fact that current treatments like radiation, chemotherapy and surgery have been gigantic failures.
Did you know that most people ignore the very symptoms that, if listened to, could potentially save their lives? They are often ignored because doctors never educate their patients as to what a cancer symptom actually looks like.
Some of the ignored early symptoms are:
1. Frequent fevers or infections
2. Wheezing or shortness of breath
3. Swallowing problems or hoarseness
4. Unexplained weight loss
5. Bowel problems
6. Changes in fingernails
7. Chronic heartburn
8. Unusually heavy or painful periods or bleeding between periods.
9. Upset stomach
10. Weakness and Fatigue
11. Feeling full after a small meal
12. Red, sore or swollen breast
13. Nipple changes
14. Bloating or abdominal weight gain
15. Feeling full and unable to eat
16. Erection Problems
17. Testicular swelling or lump
18. Nipple discharge
19. Pain or burning during urination
20. Difficulty Urinating or changes in flow
Your body could be talking to you and warning you of danger. Don’t make the costly mistake of not
listening. These early warning signs can be alerting you of cancer growth and tumor formation inside
your body? Taking action on the above symptoms can be a matter of LIFE AND DEATH.
Remember, cancer prevention is possible, but only when you possess the RIGHT knowledge.
What you’ll learn at our Elevation Health Cancer Prevention Blockbuster Workshop Event:
• The only true “cure” for cancer
• The real reason cancer develops
• The 4 keys that will DRAMATICALLY reduce your odds of dying a painful cancer death
• The common, “everyday” drug that increases your risk of developing breast cancer by 80%
• The common female procedure which is one of the leading causes of cancer
• Why the PSA test may not be right for you

Dr. J. McLean, DC

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