Why Haven't People Who've Had A Car Wreck Been Told These Facts?

By Richard A. Reiner, D.C.
People Who've Had A Car Wreck Been Told These FactsIf you’ve recently been involved in a car wreck and suffer from any of the following…
•    Neck Pain
•    Sharp, shooting Pains in the Arms
•    Numbness and Tingling in the Arms or Hands
•    Painful Headaches or Dizziness
•    Unrelenting Muscle Soreness
..there may be cause for concern. This may be the most important article you will ever read about your injuries.
It’s amazing how different life can be after a split second collision. One minute everything is fine, the next you are hurting for days uncertain if life will ever get back to normal. Activities you used to perform with ease and take for granted like reading, sleeping and even concentrating now take more energy and cause annoying pain.
If you feel like this, or have any of the symptoms listed above, you could be suffering from whiplash. Whiplash is an injury to the spine caused by a jerking motion, either backward, forward or from the side.
Whiplash can severely damage your ligaments, even if you feel just a little sore after the accident. If not healed properly, painful scar tissue will develop, causing misery in your neck possibly for life. Patients who have neck trauma from a car wreck usually try traditional methods of treatment like neck braces, pain pills, sometimes physical therapy or just a simple wait and see attitude, but they are not working.
Could This Non-Invasive, Natural Treatment Be The Answer To Your Pain?
My name is Dr. Richard A. Reiner, owner of the Reiner Chiropractic and Wellness Center. I’ve been helping people heal and be pain free after car wrecks for over 30 years. Chiropractic treatment has proven to be a very effective method of healing whiplash injuries. Read how chiropractic has helped our patients… I thought I had just a minor auto accident, but my neck pain and headaches became more frequent and the pain intensity increased. My family doctor prescribed pain medication but that was not the answer, I went to Dr. Reiner and after a series of treatments the pain subsided and I was able to return to my usual activities. Susan M. I have been a patient of Dr. Reiner for many years, going whenever I feel stiff and sore. After being in a rear end collision, I went to Dr. Reiner and the treatment received by Dr. Reiner and his staff was wonderful, and before long I was back to my usual activities which include spinning classes. Steven W.
Special Opportunity To Have a Professional Evaluation
For the month of June I’m running a very special offer where you can find out how bad your injuries are and if I can help you. What does this offer include? Everything I normally do in my “Car Wreck Evaluation.”
•    An in depth consultation about your problem where I listen…really listen…to the details of accident.
•    You’ll see firsthand and find out about our amazing specialized treatment for your pain solution, like it has been for so many other patients.
•    If you have an attorney, we will help coordinate all your paperwork for you.
•    And remember, you must initiate some treatment within 14 days of your accident for your insurance company to cover your treatment.
Until June 30, 2015, you can get everything I’ve listed for only $18. The normal price for this type of evaluation is $250 – you’re saving a considerable amount on this offer.
Now you may be wondering why as a doctor, I would practically give away my services. It’s simple, really, I’ve seen too many people come in years after their car accident, and have severe degenerative arthritis, most of which could have been prevented with the right care early on.
I’m tired of seeing this scenario over and over, so I wanted to offer this special evaluation to help make a difference.
Here’s How To Get Rid Of Your Pain
With my evaluation we’ll be able to find the problem and then correct it. Think of how you’ll feel in just a few short weeks. You’ll feel your life change for the better. Start your body on the way to a pain-free normal living. Feeling tight joints rest and relax. Feeling muscles tied in knots become more supple. As you begin to see range of motion returning to your joints, you’re preventing and reducing chances of disability and a crippling future. You’re playing golf and tennis again, doing yard work or playing with the kids…without pain.
Here’s What To Do About Your Pain
Call 561-689-4700 between 9:00 am and 7:00 pm and tell the receptionist you’d like to come in for the special “Car Wreck Evaluation” before June 30, 2015. Call today so we can get started with your evaluation. Our office is called the Reiner Chiropractic and Wellness Center, and you can find us at 5768 Okeechobee Blvd, located in the Century Plaza South, between Lexus of Palm Beach and the Citgo gas station.
Dr. Richard A. Reiner
P.S. What will your pain feel like months, even years, from today?
Don’t let scar tissue build up
and be painful for life.
Take me up on my offer and call today,

Our office is called
we are located at
5768 Okeechobee Blvd.
in West Palm Beach, FL.
When you call, be sure to say
you want to schedule
an appointment for the
car wreck evaluation SPECIAL.
If you sign up for
a series of treatments,
you’ll get a personalized
autographed copy of my book,
Detox: 3 Simple Steps
To Regain Your Health.
Call 561-689-4700
Follow me on
twitter @ReinerRichard

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