North Palm Beach Edition

What You Must Know To Prevent and Treat Sports Injuries in Youngsters (and Adults Too)

By Richard A. Reiner, D.C. It’s the beginning of a new school year, teams are preparing for the competition, children and their parents alike can’t wait for the games to begin. We think about scoring the winning goal, but we never think about the possibility of injuries. Unfortunately, it’s part of the game no one likes to talk about. So, …

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World Renowned Physician Opens Practice in Palm Beach Gardens

In addition to being a physician, Dr. Mitch holds a Master’s Degree in Biomechanical Trauma and has a Ph.D. in nutrition and psychoneuroimmunology.  He is an international lecturer on topics about oral and IV nutrition, life-style changes, bioidentical hormone replacement, and stem cell transplantation. He is recognized as one of the premier teachers at conferences and seminars on integrative medicine. …

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The Liquid Face Lift

The Liquid Face Lift is a term used to describe lifting the face without surgery.  The “liquid” part refers to the fillers that are designed to fill in wrinkles or hollow areas on the face and the “lift” refers to the lifting effect once the fillers are injected. “Fillers” are products that are injected into the skin not only to …

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Is Your Qi Imbalanced? How Acupuncture Corrects Functional Flow and Increases Weight Loss

Patients have long touted the effectiveness of acupuncture for weight loss, and the scientific community finally agrees. Acupuncture for weight loss has often been questioned as to whether it is scientifically valid even though millions have had benefit from the effects of acupuncture for weight loss. However a recent metanalysis in the International Journal of Obesity proved that weight loss …

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Are You Chronically Anxious?

Have medications failed, or do they have side effects? By Michael Cohen, Founder, Center for Brain Do you or someone you know suffer from anxiety? •    Do you get fearful, tense, or overwhelmed? •    Do you have racing thoughts? •    Have you lost hope of getting rid of anxiety? At Center for Brain, we have a unique program for adults …

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Ultherapy – The Non-invasive Lift

By Victoria Zimmer, MSN, FNP-C See the beauty of sound – harnessing the power of ultrasound to transform the brow, chin, neck, and chest! Ultherapy can help you achieve a fresher, more youthful look from your brow to your chest. While the idea of a surgical facelift may be a reality for some, there is an alternative for those who …

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Three Estate Planning Documents You Should Not Neglect

Durable Powers of Attorney, Health Care Surrogates and Living Wills You probably have heard of a”Last Will and Testament” or a “Living Revocable Trust,”documents that assist in post-death distribution of assets, payment of debts, and the appointment of a Personal Representative/Trustee to oversee same. However, you should also know about three lesser known, but very important, Estate Planning documents that …

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One Another

It doesn’t take much effort to hear of all the turmoil going on in our nation and around the world. It’s quite frightening at times to think about where this all might end up. But if we’re honest with one another, we really shouldn’t be surprised. Conflict between people has existed since Cain and Abel – and it’s not getting …

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Top Six Reasons Why Your Hair Regrowth Treatments Aren’t Working

By Alan J. Bauman, M.D. Deciding to undergo treatment for hair loss isn’t always easy. Particularly for women, there is often a lot of embarrassment and confusion that goes along with this condition. Admitting to yourself that you have female- or male-pattern hair loss is sometimes a tough pill to swallow, but coupled with this is the nagging fear that …

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Freezing FAT

By Daniela Dadurian, M.D. There are so many ways to lose weight and more so, so many diets out there to choose from. Yet so many people struggle with their shape and bulges that don’t seem to go away despite all the diet and exercise. There are a lot of factors that contribute to a person not being able to …

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