North Palm Beach Edition

Need a Hair Transplant? Here’s How to Choose the Right Doctor.

When it comes to hair loss, most people are deeply afraid of the “T” word – transplant. But don’t worry! Today’s hair transplants, when performed correctly, are highly advanced, less invasive, with very little discomfort or downtime, and the results are 100% undetectable, never “pluggy.” Light-years beyond the old style “plugs,” modern hair transplants create permanent undetectable hair restoration through …

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What is Toe Fungus?

An embarrassing yet ever present condition that is not often the subject of conversation is toe fungus. Yet 90% of elderly people suffer from this condition called “onychomycosis”. Onychomycosis causes fingernails or toenails to thicken, discolor, disfigure, and split. Without treatment, the toenails can become so thick that they press against the inside of the shoes, causing pressure, irritation and …

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Dementia: What Day is it?

By Sarah Crane Rushing. Late for work. Sifting. Shuffling. Retracing steps. Where the heck did I put my keys? Pacing. Tracing. After hours of searching, I’ve found them in the most illogical place: the freezer. Most of us have had some sort of trouble with memory. Whether searching for our keys, forgetting directions, or – oh! What’s that thing with …

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Kick Start Your Summer Weight Loss

Approximately 42% of Americans will be considered obese by 2030. This is a staggering prediction! It seems that we are on a never-ending quest for that magic bullet. But is there really a magic fix for obesity? I fear not, as obesity is a complex issue that oftentimes requires a multidisciplinary approach. However, Traditional Chinese Medicine may be another option …

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I Am Getting A Crown – Do I Need a Crown Lengthening?

One of the most common procedures a dentist performs when deep decay exists in a tooth is making a crown (also known as a “cap”). Ultimately, when in place, the crown will allow a patient to chew properly and help slow further cavities in the area. A successful crown requires not only a good fit to the tooth, but a …

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Summer Time Fun in the Sun!

By Jessica Clark, APR PR and Marketing Associate, Florida SouthWestern State College, Student Affairs Division It is that time of year! The sun is out, the beaches are full, and almost everyone in Southwest Florida is enjoying the beautiful outdoors.  The Florida sun is an inviting haven after the up and down of the winter time, even though the Florida …

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If You're Suffering From Nerve Problems In The Arms And Legs, You Must Read This Immediately!

By Richard A. Reiner, D.C. Numbness, tingling and pain is an extremely annoying problem. It may come and go…interrupt your sleep…and even makes your arms and legs feel weak. Maybe you’ve even been to other doctors and they claim all your tests indicate you should feel fine. If You Read Nothing Else, Read This: More than 20 million Americans suffer …

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Could Your Diet Be Causing Your Insomnia?

Insomnia is one of the most common sleep disorders, with chronic insomnia affecting one person in ten. While there can be several reasons why people suffer from insomnia, scientists have discovered that what we eat plays a significant part in our ability to sleep well. What is insomnia? Insomnia is a sleep disorder wherein people are unable to sleep long …

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Seniors Seek Freedom from Lung Disease with Stem Cells

By Maren Auxier In the United States, we place the utmost value on independence and freedom, so much so that many young men and women have sacrificed their lives for it. The word independence has a different meaning to different people. For some, it means not living under the thumb of an oppressive government. For others, it means being able …

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Top 7 Secrets For Improving Energy

By Ronna L. Clements, Natural Health & Wellness Innovator In today’s day and age, we can almost buy anything can’t we?  We want silver bullets and instant gratification. Whip out a credit card and “fix me up!” Does this sound like you? Unfortunately, there are certain things we can’t buy; happiness, love, good health, peace of mind and yes, energy. …

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